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[英]javascript templating (aka single page application) and SEO

I was convinced that single page applications could not be fetched by google unless the server provided alternative content. 我坚信,除非服务器提供替代内容,否则Google无法提取单页应用程序。

reading this article made me think that while it was true, nowaday it is an error to consider that javascript templating block google's crawling : https://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.fr/2015/10/deprecating-our-ajax-crawling-scheme.html 阅读这篇文章使我认为,尽管这是事实,但如今考虑到JavaScript模板阻止Google的爬网是一个错误: https : //googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.fr/2015/10/deprecating-our-ajax-crawling-scheme。 html

Times have changed. 时代变了。 Today, as long as you're not blocking Googlebot from crawling your JavaScript or CSS files, we are generally able to render and understand your web pages like modern browsers. 今天,只要您不阻止Googlebot抓取JavaScript或CSS文件,我们通常就可以像现代浏览器一样呈现和理解您的网页。

I tested with a sample app. 我用示例应用程序进行了测试。 with this tool : https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/googlebot-fetch?utm_source=support.google.com/webmasters/&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=6155685 使用此工具: https : //www.google.com/webmasters/tools/googlebot-fetch?utm_source=support.google.com/webmasters/&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=6155685

and it worked : google saw my content (whose rendering was triggered by a jquery plugin waiting the dom document ready event to render content with handlebarjs) 并且有效:google看到了我的内容(其渲染是由一个jQuery插件触发的,等待dom文档ready事件来使用handlebarjs渲染内容)

So here is the question : what is the state of the art in 2016? 所以这是一个问题:2016年的最新状况是什么? (aka : are the sigle page applications referenced by google, and is there a drawback?) (又名:google引用了单页页面应用程序,并且有缺点吗?)

a teamate of mine told me this, I quote hime without any opinion about his testimonial : 我的一个队友告诉我,我引用希恩对他的鉴定没有任何意见:

I saw on a podcast who ran test showing that the results are inconsistent : one time the page is corectly indexed, the oter time it is not. 我在一个经过测试的播客上看到,结果不一致:一次对页面进行核心索引编制,而另一次则不是。 IMHO Google is able to read JS pages but it consume too much ressources so it is not systematicly done. 恕我直言,Google能够读取JS页面,但它消耗过多的资源,因此无法系统地完成。 Beware also, they annouced that they was going to stop indexing not visible content like those shown on click/rollover 还请注意,他们宣布将停止索引不可见的内容,例如单击/滚动显示的内容

To conclude : I think that those pages are indexed but with a lower score. 结论:我认为这些页面已被索引但得分较低。

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