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来自IIS中托管的网站的SOAP API访问错误

[英]SOAP API access error from a website hosted in IIS

I have an application hosted in IIS in Windows Server 2012. At regular intervals the website looses its capacity to call a secure SOAP Api used in the application. 我在Windows Server 2012中的IIS中托管了一个应用程序。网站定期无法调用应用程序中使用的安全SOAP Api。 The issue is resolved by restarting the Website in the IIS. 通过在IIS中重新启动网站来解决此问题。 But I cannot restart the application at all points of time. 但我无法在任何时候重启应用程序。

I am receiving the following error message in the event viewer and the Application error log. 我在事件查看器和应用程序错误日志中收到以下错误消息。

Event Viewer 事件查看器

The TLS protocol defined fatal alert code is 80. TLS协议定义的致命警报代码为80。

Application Error Log 应用错误日志

“Could not establish secure channel for SSL/TLS with authority 'URL' ” “无法为具有权限'URL'的SSL / TLS建立安全通道”

Windows Update has not installed the known S Channel SSL Update KB from Microsoft which is known to generate this error. Windows Update尚未安装Microsoft已知的S Channel SSL Update KB,已知会生成此错误。

If you look for cause of Error: 如果您查找错误原因:

Alert code 80 in TLS protocol means: TLS协议中的警报代码80表示:

Internal Error: An internal error unrelated to the peer or the correctness of the protocol makes it impossible to continue, such as a memory allocation failure. 内部错误:与对等方无关的内部错误或协议的正确性使其无法继续,例如内存分配失败。 The error is not related to protocol. 该错误与协议无关。 This message is always fatal. 这条消息总是致命的。

Seems something is not good in configuration of SOAP UI, what cases might be there are: 似乎在SOAP UI的配置方面有些不好,可能存在以下情况:

  1. Memory consumption in Service: Checkout WCF - Random client timeout when making multiple calls 服务中的内存消耗: Checkout WCF - 进行多次调用时随机客户端超时

  2. Something related to Throttling (upper limit of service call & optimisations) setting : You need to set maximum concurrent call for any hosted apllication. Throttling (服务调用和优化的上限)设置相关的内容:您需要为任何托管应用程序设置最大并发调用。 Make sure that value is greater than required connections. 确保该值大于所需的连接。 Checkout WCF timeout exception detailed investigation Checkout WCF超时异常详细调查

  3. Something wrong with server (Memory leak in application, Less memory, other processes): Monitor Server logs in Eventviewer for Errors in application. 服务器出错 (应用程序中的内存泄漏,内存减少,其他进程):Monitor Server在应用程序中的事件查看器中记录错误。

  4. Idle Time-out Settings for an Application Pool :Any managed application hosted on IIS uses application pool & application pool has Idle time-out. 应用程序池的空闲超时设置 :IIS上托管的任何托管应用程序使用应用程序池和应用程序池都具有空闲超时。 This means if for a certain period(Idle time-out for AppPool) no hosted application on that AppPool is used AppPool is recycled to free up resources. 这意味着如果在一段时间内(AppPool的空闲超时)没有使用该AppPool上的托管应用程序,AppPool将被回收以释放资源。 New calls after that need to Bring up AppPool that require more time than Usual than can result in timeout for some application if its timeout is less. 之后的新调用需要启动需要比常用时间更长的AppPool而不是某些应用程序的超时(如果超时较少)。 Check out Configure Idle Time-out Settings for an Application Pool 查看配置应用程序池的空闲超时设置

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