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[英]isinstance check if any of the variables has a certain class

I'm having a function that needs to take a different route if any of the parameters is a np.ndarray . 如果有任何参数是np.ndarray ,我有一个函数需要采取不同的路线。 I'm checking with isinstance . 我正在检查isinstance But I wondered if there might be a more intuitive (and faster) way than using a list comprehension together with any : 但是我想知道是否有比使用列表理解和any方法更直观(更快)的方法:

def func(a, b):
    if any([isinstance(i, np.ndarray) for i in [a, b]]):

I already tried: 我已经尝试过:

if isinstance([a, b], np.ndarray):

but that doesn't work because [a, b] is a list ... 但这不起作用,因为[a, b]是一个list ...

Actually using any is the most pythonic way because it has been implemented in python like following: 实际上,使用any是最Python的方式,因为它已在python中实现,如下所示:

def any(iterable):
    for element in iterable:
        if element:
            return True
    return False

And will return True right after encounter a True item in your iterable thus it's order in best case would be O(1) and in worst case O(n). 并且在遇到您的可迭代项中的True项后立即返回True ,因此最佳情况下的顺序为O(1),最坏情况下的顺序为O(n)。 And about the isinstance() it's a built in function and is a pythonic way for checking the objects type. 关于isinstance()它是一个内置函数,并且是检查对象类型的Python方法。

Also as a more pythonic way you better to pass a generator expression to any and let generator function generate the items on demand, instead of a list comprehension and create all the boolean values at once.: 另外,作为一种更加Python化的方式,您最好将生成器表达式传递给any生成器表达式,并让生成器函数按需生成项目,而不是列表理解并立即创建所有布尔值。

any(isinstance(i, np.ndarray) for i in [a, b])

As @Padraic said if you are only dealing with two item the best way is using or operator: 正如@Padraic所说,如果您只处理两个项目,则最好的方法是使用or运算符:

if isinstance(a, np.ndarray) or isinstance(b, np.ndarray):
           # do stuff

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