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[英]Using c# Mongodb driver 2.2, how to find max record when grouped by on a particular field

I have a collection as "UserRecords". 我有一个“ UserRecords”集合。 structure for this is as follows 其结构如下

    "_id" : "ee654ce6-e50d-4243-8738-35c087a85e67",
    "_t" : "Animals",
    "ClickedOn" : NumberLong(1452600122),    
    "Category" : "Nature",
    "UserId" : "a1",   

  "_id" : "ee654ce6-e50d-4243-8738-35c087a85e67",
  "_t" : "Abstract",
  "ClickedOn" : NumberLong(1247634566),    
  "Category" : "Modern",
  "UserId" : "a1",   

  "_id" : "ee654ce6-e50d-4243-8738-35c087a85e67",
  "_t" : "Abstract",
  "ClickedOn" : NumberLong(1247634440),    
  "Category" : "Modern",
  "UserId" : "a1",   

and more... 和更多...

now I want to get Max clicked on for each category. 现在我想为每个类别点击“ Max”。 Using latest Mongo C# driver something like 使用最新的Mongo C#驱动程序类似

    select Max(clicked) from table group by Category in SQL.

Queries like this can be efficiently processed with the MongoDB Aggregation Framework . 可以使用MongoDB 聚合框架有效地处理此类查询。 However, the queries are written as JSON, making them a bit hard to read. 但是,查询是用JSON编写的,因此使其难以阅读。

var dataCollection = Database.GetCollection("UserRecords");
var AggArgs = new AggregateArgs {
    Pipeline =
        new[] {BsonDocument.Parse(@"{$group : {_id : '$Category', ClickedOn : {$max : '$ClickedOn'}}}")}
foreach (var result in dataCollection.Aggregate(AggArgs))
    Console.WriteLine($"Category: {result["_id"]} Clicked: {result["ClickedOn"]}");

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