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如何unescape JavaScript字符串文字值?

[英]How to unescape JavaScript string literal value?

I am using to parse code (using an ES parser, such as Esprima, is not an option for technical environment limitations). 我正在使用来解析代码(使用ES解析器,例如Esprima,不是技术环境限制的选项)。

The subject code (the code being parsed is): 主题代码(正在解析的代码是):

(function() {
    $('#3bf779cd').replaceWith("<div class=\'shows\'>\n<\/div>");


The value I am interested in is the first parameter of replaceWith , which is a string literal. 我感兴趣的值是replaceWith的第一个参数,它是一个字符串文字。 I am getting this variable using regex: 我使用正则表达式获取此变量:

const subjectValue = subjectCode.match(/\.replaceWith\(((["'])(?:(?=(\\?))\3.)*?\2)/m)[1].slice(1, -1);


The output of this is: 这个输出是:

<div class=\'shows\'>\n<\/div>

How do I escape subjectValue in a way that the output would be: 如何以输出的方式转义subjectValue

<div class='shows'>

Simply using unescape has no effect. 简单地使用unescape没有任何效果。

If I am not mistaken, the question comes does to how to unescape this value: 如果我没有弄错的话,问题就在于如何摆脱这个价值:

console.log('"<div class=\\\'shows\\\'>\\\\n<\\\/div>"');

You're looking for eval (yes you heard correctly): 你正在寻找eval (是的,你听错了):

 text = document.querySelector('script').textContent; dqString = /"(\\\\.|[^"])*"/g s = text.match(dqString)[0] raw = eval(s); alert(raw); 
 <script> (function() { $('#3bf779cd').replaceWith("<div class=\\'shows\\'>\\n<\\/div>"); window.fadeItems(); }); </script> 

The most idiotic way would be. 最愚蠢的方式是。

"<div class=\\'shows\\'>\\\\n<\\/div>".replace(/\\n/g, '').replace(/\\/g, '');
// "<div class='shows'></div>"

Smarter way would be to first unescape \\n's than check with regex if there are unescaped matches, and than escape those as well. 如果有未转义的比赛,那么更聪明的方法就是先用正则表达式进行检查,而不是逃避它们。

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