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无法将ASP.NET 5(ASP.NET Core 1)部署到Azure:没有足够的空间

[英]Unable to deploy ASP.NET 5 (ASP.NET Core 1) to Azure: not enough space

I'm trying to deploy the basic vanila Api App from the official tutorial Create an ASP.NET 5 web app in Visual Studio Code to Azure, but I'm hitting "There is not enough space on the disk" problem. 我试图从官方教程中部署基本的vanila Api应用程序,然后在Visual Studio Code中创建一个ASP.NET 5 Web应用程序到Azure,但是我遇到了“磁盘上空间不足”的问题。 I'm new to Azure and I'm using the trial account. 我是Azure的新手,正在使用试用帐户。

Is there something that I could do make the deployment lean and not exceed the disk space? 有什么我可以做的使部署精简并且不超过磁盘空间的事情吗?

Full error stack: 完整的错误堆栈:

remote: Restore failed
remote: There is not enough space on the disk.
remote: Feeds used:
remote:     https://api.nuget.org/v3-flatcontainer/
remote: An error has occurred during web site deployment.
remote: Error - Changes committed to remote repository but deployment to website failed.

Cross Platform Free/Shared Tier Solution 跨平台免费/共享层解决方案

Even without a free trial, we can publish an ASP.NET Core RC1 application to a Free/Shared Azure Web App. 即使没有免费试用版,我们也可以将ASP.NET Core RC1应用程序发布到免费/共享的Azure Web应用程序。 Use dnu publish then deploy with FTP. 使用dnu publish然后通过FTP进行部署。 This works cross platform. 跨平台工作。 We do not need Visual Studio, msbuild, Web Deploy, nor a free Azure trial. 我们不需要Visual Studio,msbuild,Web Deploy或免费的Azure试用版。

Here is an example. 这是一个例子。

Example Steps 示例步骤

(1) Use rc1-final with Core CLR. (1)将rc1-final与Core CLR一起使用。 (2) Then scaffold the app with Yeoman . (2)然后用Yeoman搭建应用程序。 (3) Next, restore the packages. (3)接下来,还原软件包。 (4) Finally, publish the application; (4)最后,发布应用程序; be sure to include the active runtime in the output. 确保在输出中包括active运行时。

C:\> dnvm use 1.0.0-rc1-final -runtime coreclr                       (1)
C:\> yo aspnet webbasic MyApp                                        (2) 
C:\MyApp> cd MyApp
C:\MyApp> dnu restore                                                (3)
C:\MyApp> dnu publish --configuration release -runtime active        (4)

The package is in the MyApp\\bin\\output directory. 程序包位于MyApp\\bin\\output目录中。 Use FTP to deploy it to a Free/Shared Azure Web App. 使用FTP将其部署到免费/共享Azure Web App。 The first deployment takes about 15-20 minutes because we're including every package and the runtime. 第一次部署大约需要15-20分钟,因为我们包括了每个软件包和运行时。

C:\MyApp\bun\output              /site

approot                          approot
wwwroot                          wwwroot

We need to publish approot and wwwroot to the site directory. 我们需要将approotwwwroot发布到site目录。

Example Result 结果示例

Azure上的Live Basic Web App。

As Anthony Chew says it seems to be a known issue. 正如Anthony Chew所说,这似乎是一个已知问题。

My solution was to upgrade my subscription to Basic - still part of the free trial. 我的解决方案是将我的订阅升级为Basic-仍然是免费试用的一部分。

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