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Unable to deploy ASP.NET 5 (ASP.NET Core 1) to Azure: not enough space

I'm trying to deploy the basic vanila Api App from the official tutorial Create an ASP.NET 5 web app in Visual Studio Code to Azure, but I'm hitting "There is not enough space on the disk" problem. I'm new to Azure and I'm using the trial account.

Is there something that I could do make the deployment lean and not exceed the disk space?

Full error stack:

remote: Restore failed
remote: There is not enough space on the disk.
remote: Feeds used:
remote:     https://api.nuget.org/v3-flatcontainer/
remote: An error has occurred during web site deployment.
remote: Error - Changes committed to remote repository but deployment to website failed.

Cross Platform Free/Shared Tier Solution

Even without a free trial, we can publish an ASP.NET Core RC1 application to a Free/Shared Azure Web App. Use dnu publish then deploy with FTP. This works cross platform. We do not need Visual Studio, msbuild, Web Deploy, nor a free Azure trial.

Here is an example.

Example Steps

(1) Use rc1-final with Core CLR. (2) Then scaffold the app with Yeoman . (3) Next, restore the packages. (4) Finally, publish the application; be sure to include the active runtime in the output.

C:\> dnvm use 1.0.0-rc1-final -runtime coreclr                       (1)
C:\> yo aspnet webbasic MyApp                                        (2) 
C:\MyApp> cd MyApp
C:\MyApp> dnu restore                                                (3)
C:\MyApp> dnu publish --configuration release -runtime active        (4)

The package is in the MyApp\\bin\\output directory. Use FTP to deploy it to a Free/Shared Azure Web App. The first deployment takes about 15-20 minutes because we're including every package and the runtime.

C:\MyApp\bun\output              /site

approot                          approot
wwwroot                          wwwroot

We need to publish approot and wwwroot to the site directory.

Example Result

Azure上的Live Basic Web App。

As Anthony Chew says it seems to be a known issue.

My solution was to upgrade my subscription to Basic - still part of the free trial.

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