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[英]Parse XML string returned from service with C#

I'm trying to parse the following XML string that is being returned from a service. 我正在尝试解析从服务返回的以下XML字符串。

 DataReference.USZipSoapClient blah = new DataReference.USZipSoapClient("USZipSoap");
        var results = blah.GetInfoByCity(tbCityName.Text).OuterXml;

returns the following 返回以下内容

<NewDataSet xmlns=""><Table><CITY>Marana</CITY><STATE>AZ</STATE><ZIP>85653</ZIP><AREA_CODE>520</AREA_CODE><TIME_ZONE>M</TIME_ZONE></Table></NewDataSet>

I'm having no luck parsing the data: 我没有运气来解析数据:

I just want to display the results like City = Marana , State = AZ etc. 我只想显示结果,例如City = Marana,State = AZ等。

Any help is appreciated. 任何帮助表示赞赏。

Why not just use XPath? 为什么不只使用XPath?

XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument()
doc.LoadXml(results); // probably some try-catch here
var city = doc.SelectSingleNode("//CITY").InnerXml; //Handle null as well

You can create a serializing object and then serialize the data you get against that object, i used http://xmltocsharp.azurewebsites.net/ to generate the following xml object: 您可以创建一个序列化对象,然后序列化针对该对象获得的数据,我使用http://xmltocsharp.azurewebsites.net/生成了以下xml对象:

public class Table {
    public string CITY { get; set; }
    public string STATE { get; set; }
    public string ZIP { get; set; }
    public string AREA_CODE { get; set; }
    public string TIME_ZONE { get; set; }

public class NewDataSet {
    public Table Table { get; set; }
    public string Xmlns { get; set; }

Then just use the .net XML serializer to cast it to that object and use it in your code. 然后,只需使用.net XML序列化程序将其转换为该对象,然后在代码中使用它即可。

If you just need a string for visual inspection, a first step could be to convert the XMl to JSON with this code: http://techhasnoboundary.blogspot.no/2011/08/convert-xml-to-json-using-c.html 如果您只需要一个字符串即可进行视觉检查,则第一步可能是使用以下代码将XMl转换为JSON: http ://techhasnoboundary.blogspot.no/2011/08/convert-xml-to-json-using-c .html

Then you could go on by removing braces, replace comma with line break and colon with an equal sign. 然后,您可以继续删除括号,用换行符替换逗号,并用等号替换冒号。

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