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[英]Team Member - Xcode Configuration Issues

A customer of mine has created a new App-Id with an explicit ID. 我的一个客户创建了一个带有明确ID的新App-Id。
Then he added me as a developer to his organization in iTunesConnect. 然后,他将我作为开发人员添加到他在iTunesConnect中的组织中。
He has a previous and old version of the app, on which I have to start my work. 他具有该应用程序的旧版本和旧版本,我必须在该版本上开始工作。 When I try to create a Provisioning File for my Personal Team (I've not paid the developer program) in Xcode regarding the explicit bundle id created by my customer, xCode raises the following error message : 当我尝试在Xcode中为我的个人团队(我尚未支付开发人员计划)创建由我的客户创建的显式包ID的配置文件时, xCode会引发以下错误消息

An App ID with Identifier 'com.xxxx.yyyy' is not available. 标识符为“ com.xxxx.yyyy”的应用ID不可用。 Please enter a different string. 请输入其他字符串。

Any Suggestions? 有什么建议么?

Apple only allows an app ID to be created by one developer account. Apple仅允许一个开发者帐户创建一个应用程序ID。 Because your client already has that application ID, you cannot create another one. 由于您的客户端已经具有该应用程序ID,因此您无法创建另一个ID。 If Apple allowed this, you would have app ID conflicts with multiple developers trying to submit apps that have the same app ID. 如果Apple允许,那么与多个开发人员提交的应用程序ID相同的应用程序ID将会冲突。

What you should do is create your developer certificate under the client's organization account, then have your client add your certificate to their provisioning profile. 您应该做的是在客户的组织帐户下创建开发人员证书,然后让您的客户将证书添加到他们的配置文件中。 Then you can download and use this provisioning profile to test the app on devices. 然后,您可以下载并使用此配置文件在设备上测试该应用程序。 Or, if you are on XCode 7 or later, you should be able to create your own developement provisioning profile with your devices under that team account. 或者,如果您使用的是XCode 7或更高版本,则应该能够使用该团队帐户下的设备创建自己的开发配置文件。 The key is that you need to be doing everything under the client's Team account, not your personal account. 关键是您需要在客户的团队帐户(而不是您的个人帐户)下进行所有操作。

I would not recommend your client share his credentials or make you a team agent. 我不建议您的客户分享他的证书或让您成为团队代理。 That's granting you too much power / control as a developer and if I were you, I wouldn't want it. 作为开发人员,这会给您太多的功能/控制权,如果我是您,我就不会想要它。 I would hate to have that access if someone else went in an did something like revoking their certificate, because I know they'd be suspecting me even if I didn't do it. 如果有人去做撤销证书之类的事情,我不希望有这种访问权限,因为我知道即使我不这样做,他们也会怀疑我。 Use the apple developer account roles the way they were intended and you should be fine. 以预期的方式使用apple开发人员帐户角色,您应该会很好。

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