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在Spark DataFrame中按数组值过滤

[英]Filter by array value in Spark DataFrame

I am using apache spark 1.5 dataframe with elasticsearch, I am try to filter id from a column that contains a list(array) of ids. 我正在使用带有Elasticsearch的Apache Spark 1.5数据帧,我尝试从包含ID列表(数组)的列中过滤ID。

For example the mapping of elasticsearch column is looks like this: 例如,elasticsearch列的映射如下所示:


The example data format will be like following 示例数据格式如下所示

    "people": {
        "artist": {
                       "id": "153",
                       "name": "Tom"
                       "id": "15389",
                       "name": "Cok"
    "people": {
        "artist": {
                       "id": "369",
                       "name": "Carl"
                       "id": "15389",
                       "name": "Cok"
                       "id": "698",
                       "name": "Sol"

In spark I try this: 在火花我尝试这样做:

val peopleId  = 152
val dataFrame = sqlContext.read


I got all the id that is contains 152, for example 1523 , 152978 but not only id == 152 我得到了包含152的所有id,例如1523,152978,但不仅id == 152

Then I tried 然后我尝试


I get empty, I understand why, it's because I have array of people.artist.id 我变得空虚,我明白为什么,这是因为我有很多人。

Can anyone tell me how to filter when I have list of ids ? 谁能告诉我如何在拥有ID列表时进行过滤?

In Spark 1.5+ you can use array_contains function: 在Spark 1.5+中,您可以使用array_contains函数:

df.where(array_contains($"people.artist.id", "153"))

If you use an earlier version you can try an UDF like this: 如果您使用的是较早版本,则可以尝试这样的UDF:

val containsId = udf(
  (rs: Seq[Row], v: String) => rs.map(_.getAs[String]("id")).exists(_ == v))
df.where(containsId($"people.artist", lit("153")))

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