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[英]Vlookup in VBA runs very slow, any ideas?

I have created the following macro to be able to have a sheet called "Macron" which looks inside different cells and sheets in my workbook, from there i want to create a macro that finds the value based on a name instead of a specific cell (since VBA code does not get updated if i add another cell etc, then i need to rewrite all the macro references which is extremely timeconsuming). 我创建了以下宏,以便能够拥有一个名为“ Macron”的工作表,该工作表可以在工作簿的不同单元格和工作表中查找,然后我要创建一个宏,该宏根据名称而不是特定的单元格来查找值(由于如果我添加另一个单元等,VBA代码不会更新,那么我需要重写所有的宏引用,这非常耗时。

So i decided to work with the application.Vlookup function in my code, but now i see that this goes extremely slow compared to only looking inside the cells. 因此,我决定在代码中使用application.Vlookup函数,但是现在我看到,与仅在单元格内部进行查看相比,这非常慢。

Is this the case all the time, or is it something wrong with my code that could be updated or cleaner to make it work faster. 一直都是这种情况,还是我的代码有问题,可以对其进行更新或更清洁以使其更快地工作。

Here is my code for the macro: 这是我的宏代码:

Sub Motesbokning_saljare()
Dim OutApp As Object
Dim OutMail As Object
Dim a As String
Dim o As String
Dim a1 As String
Dim o1 As String
Dim strbody As String
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim ws1 As Worksheet

' ä
a = Chr(228)
a1 = Chr(229)
o = Chr(246)
o1 = Chr(214)

With Application
    .EnableEvents = False
    .ScreenUpdating = False
End With

Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(1)
Set ws = Sheets("Macron")
Set ws1 = Sheets("Offert")

On Error Resume Next
With OutMail
    .To = Application.VLookup("kundEpost", ws.Range("A:C").Value, 3, False)
    .Subject = Application.VLookup("partnerNamn", ws.Range("A:C").Value, 3, False) & ", " & Application.VLookup("kundFulltNamn", ws.Range("A:C").Value, 3, False)
    .location = "" & Application.VLookup("kundAdress", ws.Range("A:C").Value, 3, False) & ", " & Application.VLookup("kundPostnr", ws.Range("A:C").Value, 3, False) & ", " & Application.VLookup("kundPostort", ws.Range("A:C").Value, 3, False)
    .Body = "Projekttyp: " & Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup("moteProjekttyp", ws.Range("A:C").Value, 3, False) & vbNewLine & "Fastighetstyp: " & Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup("moteFastighetstyp", ws.Range("A:C").Value, 3, False) & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Portkod: " & _
    Application.VLookup("motePortkod", ws.Range("A:C").Value, 3, False) & vbNewLine & "Telefon: " & Application.VLookup("kundTelefon", ws.Range("A:C").Value, 3, False) & vbNewLine & "V" & a1 & "ning: " & Application.VLookup("moteVaning", ws.Range("A:C").Value, 3, False) & vbNewLine & vbNewLine _
    & "Upphandlingsunderlag: " & Application.VLookup("moteUpphandlingsunderlag", ws.Range("A:C").Value, 3, False) & vbNewLine & Application.VLookup("moteUpphandlingsunderlagTyp", ws.Range("A:C").Value, 3, False) & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "K" & o & "rtid: " & Application.VLookup("moteKortid", ws.Range("A:C").Value, 3, False) & " minuter" _
    & vbNewLine & "GPS URL: " & Application.VLookup("moteGPSurl", ws.Range("A:C").Value, 3, False) & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "K" & a & "lla: " & Application.VLookup("moteKalla", ws.Range("A:C").Value, 3, False) & vbNewLine & o1 & "vrigt: " & Application.VLookup("moteOvriginfo", ws.Range("A:C").Value, 3, False) & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Referenskund i n" & a & _
    "romr" & a1 & "de: " & vbNewLine & ws1.Range("I35").Value & ", " & ws1.Range("K35").Value & ", " & ws1.Range("M35").Value & vbNewLine & ws1.Range("I36").Value & ", " & _
    ws1.Range("K36").Value & ", " & ws1.Range("M36").Value & vbNewLine & ws1.Range("I37").Value & ", " & ws1.Range("K37").Value & ", " & ws1.Range("M37").Value & vbNewLine & _
    ws1.Range("I38").Value & ", " & ws1.Range("K38").Value & ", " & ws1.Range("M38").Value & vbNewLine & ws1.Range("I39").Value & ", " & ws1.Range("K39").Value & ", " _
    & ws1.Range("M39").Value
    .Start = Application.VLookup("moteDatum", ws.Range("A:C").Value, 3, False) + Application.VLookup("moteKlockslag", ws.Range("A:C").Value, 3, False)
    .ReminderMinutesBeforeStart = Application.VLookup("moteReminder", ws.Range("A:C").Value, 3, False)
    .Duration = Application.VLookup("moteTidsatgang", ws.Range("A:C").Value, 3, False)
    .Recipients.Add Application.VLookup("moteLaggTillDeltagare", ws.Range("A:C").Value, 3, False)
    .Categories = Application.VLookup("moteKategori", ws.Range("A:C").Value, 3, False)
End With

Set OutMail = Nothing
Set OutApp = Nothing

With Application
    .EnableEvents = True
    .ScreenUpdating = True
End With

End Sub

Thanks for any help that can be offered. 感谢您提供的任何帮助。

Best regards Agatonsaxx 最好的问候Agatonsaxx

To skip the tremendous amount of vlookups (combined with them being for whole columns and not smaller defined ranges), while using VBA I suggest using a single iteration over column A to determine the contents of your mail body. 为了跳过大量的vlookup(将它们组合在一起用于整个列而不是较小的定义范围),在使用VBA时,我建议对A列使用一次迭代来确定邮件正文的内容。 For that purpose you need 2 arrays. 为此,您需要2个阵列。 One for the words you are looking for in column A ( searchWords ) and one for the needed values in column C ( mailContents ). 一个用于在A列中查找的单词( searchWords ),另一个用于在C列中所需的值( mailContents )。 My approach would be as follows ("..." marking skips that need to be filled in with your existing code): 我的方法如下(“ ...”标记跳过,需要用您现有的代码填充):

Sub Motesbokning_saljare()
    Set ws = Sheets("Macron")
    Set ws1 = Sheets("Offert")

    Dim searchWords(1 To 100) As String
    'Fill all the words that need to be searched:
    searchWords(1) = "kundEPost"
    searchWords(2) = "partnerNamn"
    searchWords(3) = "kundFulltNamn"
    Dim mailContents(1 To 100) As String
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim j As Integer
    Dim LastRow As Long
    With ws
        LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
    End With
    For i = 1 To LastRow
        'i is for the rows of the excel sheet
        For j = 1 To UBound(searchWords)
            'j is for the lookup in the array searchwords
            If ws.Cells(i, 1) = searchWords(j) Then
                mailContents(j) = ws.Cells(i, 3)
            End If
        Next j
    Next i
    'Now, fill the mail body:
    On Error Resume Next
    With OutMail
        .To = mailContents(1)
        .Subject = mailContents(2) & ", " & mailContents(3)
    End With

    Set OutMail = Nothing
    Set OutApp = Nothing

End Sub

As you can see, I only filled in the first 3 words of the mail body. 如您所见,我只填写了邮件正文的前三个字。 You'd need to fill searchWords with the mail body lookups and further fill the mail body. 您需要用邮件正文查找填充searchWords ,然后进一步填充邮件正文。 I'd also recommend to change the size of the arrays to the exact number of lookups your formerly did (1 To 100 means that it can contain up to 100 entries). 我还建议将数组的大小更改为您以前执行的查找的确切数目(1到100表示​​它最多可以包含100个条目)。

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