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[英]Twig does not update changes in symfony

I am working with Symfony 2.8 in developer mode and Windows 10. When I update template Twig, always I have to clear cache to update render.我在开发人员模式下使用 Symfony 2.8 和 Windows 10。当我更新模板 Twig 时,我总是必须清除缓存以更新渲染。 I looked permissions for folders cache and logs and I have the necessary permissions.我查看了文件夹缓存和日志的权限,并且拥有必要的权限。

Any help?有什么帮助吗?

Go to app config file (by defualt will be located in ../app/config/config.yml from your root directory). 转到app配置文件(defualt将位于根目录的../app/config/config.yml )。 Scroll to the twig configuration settings (under twig:) and change the cache value (which should be pointing to the cache directory) to false like so: 滚动到twig配置设置(在twig :)下并将缓存值(应该指向缓存目录)更改为false,如下所示:

    cache:  false

If you do not see any cache configuration entry, simply add the line above. 如果您没有看到任何缓存配置条目,只需添加上面的行。

Or you can disable the twig cache on web/app_dev.php only for avoid any problem when you're going to push your code in prod environnement. 或者,您可以在web/app_dev.php上禁用web/app_dev.php缓存,以避免在prod环境中推送代码时出现任何问题。

You should try to execute the command below in terminal, in your symfony project directory.您应该尝试在终端中的 symfony 项目目录中执行以下命令。

php bin/console cache:clear

Symfony documentation about that: https://symfony.com/doc/current/deployment.html Symfony 有关的文档: https://symfony.com/doc/current/deployment.html

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