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[英]How to access nested model in Aurelia?

Using Aurelia, say I have a custom element <panel> and a view/view-model InfoPanel . 使用Aurelia,说我有一个自定义元素<panel>和一个view / view-model InfoPanel <panel> has a close button in it, which should perform some action on InfoPanel , eg call the close() function. <panel>有一个关闭按钮,该按钮应在InfoPanel上执行某些操作,例如,调用close()函数。

Panel.html Panel.html

    <button click.delegate="close()">x</button>

Panel.js Panel.js

@bindable({name: "headerText"})
@bindable({name: "close"})
export class Panel {

InfoPanel.html InfoPanel.html

    <require from="./Panel"></require>

    <panel header-text="Info" close.bind="close">
        <!-- content here -->

InfoPanel.js InfoPanel.js

export class InfoPanel {
    close() {
        // At this point, "this" referse to the Panel, not the InfoPanel instance.

When I try this, I get the following error: 尝试此操作时,出现以下错误:

Uncaught Error: close is not a function 未捕获的错误:close不是函数
getFunction @ aurelia-binding.js:2033 getFunction @ aurelia-binding.js:2033
evaluate @ aurelia-binding.js:1395 评估@ aurelia-binding.js:1395
callSource @ aurelia-binding.js:4842 callSource @ aurelia-binding.js:4842
(anonymous function) @ aurelia-binding.js:4867 (匿名函数)@ aurelia-binding.js:4867
handleDelegatedEvent @ aurelia-binding.js:2972 handleDelegatedEvent @ aurelia-binding.js:2972

My assumption is that the context is unclear to Aurelia, or I'm missing something... 我的假设是Aurelia不清楚上下文,或者我缺少了某些东西...

What you are trying to do is possible but there are a few gotchas - 您尝试做的事是可能的,但是有一些陷阱-

Panel.html Panel.html

    <button click.delegate="close()">x</button>

To get panel.html to bind to close we need to make it an anonymous function by default. 要使panel.html绑定关闭,我们需要默认将其设为匿名函数。 I am using ES7 class instance fields (a long name for class properties) but you can use the decorator as a class decorator as you are, provided you set it up correctly - 我正在使用ES7类实例字段(类属性的简称),但只要设置正确,就可以按原样使用装饰器作为类装饰器-

Panel.js Panel.js

export class Panel {
  @bindable headerText = '';
  @bindable close = () => {};

You need to use call to pass a function reference instead of bind which tries to evaluate the expression - 您需要使用call来传递一个函数引用,而不是bind它试图计算表达式-

InfoPanel.html InfoPanel.html

    <require from="./Panel"></require>

    <panel header-text="Info" close.call="close()">
        <!-- content here -->

InfoPanel.js InfoPanel.js

export class InfoPanel {
    close() {

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