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在Aurelia Compose的视图模型中访问模型

[英]Access model in view model in Aurelia Compose

So according to the heading Dynamically Render UI into the DOM based on Data here (scroll down a bit). 因此,根据标题动态呈现UI到基于数据的DOM 这里 (向下滚动位)。

<template repeat.for="item of items">
    <compose model.bind="item" view-model="widgets/${item.type}"></compose>

If you take it more simply: 如果你更简单地说:

<compose model.bind="item" view-model="itemViewModel.js"></compose>

If I have an itemViewModel.html and a itemViewModel.js , they both get successfully loaded. 如果我有itemViewModel.htmlitemViewModel.js ,它们都会成功加载。 However, how do you access the bound model in the itemViewModel.js ? 但是,如何在itemViewModel.js访问绑定模型?

I tried using the bindable . 我尝试使用bindable

import {bindable, bindingMode} from 'aurelia-framework';

export class ItemViewModel {
    @bindable model;

    constructor() {
        console.log("using bindable", this);

Is this possible? 这可能吗?

<compose model.bind="item" will call a method activate(model) in your viewmodel and give you the item . <compose model.bind="item"将在您的viewmodel中调用方法activate(model)并为您提供该item

// the model received here is the *item* from the above <compose
   this.model = model;

If you want to pass multiple models in the bind you can do 如果你想在绑定中传递多个模型,你可以做到

<compose model.bind="{item: item, value: value}"

Then you get: 然后你得到:

    this.item = model.item;
    this.value = model.value;

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