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[英]Multiple substitute commands when matching some lines in sed

With Vim's global command, it is possible to chain multiple commands with | 使用Vim的全局命令,可以用|链接多个命令| (pipe) symbol when matching some lines, for example: 匹配某些行时的(管道)符号,例如:

g/match/ s/11/00/ | s/22/11/g

Is this also possible with sed without repeating the match regex? 在不重复match正则表达式的情况下,使用sed也可以吗?

sed -e '/match/ s/11/00/ ; /match/ s/22/11/g ' $file

If not, is it possible to do this with perl? 如果没有,是否可以用perl做到这一点?

You could use: 您可以使用:

echo "->11,22<-
->01,20<-" | sed '/11/ {s/11/00/g; s/22/11/g}'

Output is: 输出为:

  • the /11/ restricts the s commands inside its { ... } block only to matching lines /11/将其{ ... }块内的s命令仅限制为匹配的行

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