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[英]Sed: modifying only some lines

In my /etc/apt/sources.list I want to append to all non-comment lines "contrib non-free" using sed.在我的 /etc/apt/sources.list 中,我想使用 sed 将“contrib non-free”附加到所有非注释行。

Here is my expression:这是我的表达:

sed -n -i '/^\([^#].*main\)/{s/main/main contrib non-free/p}' /etc/apt/sources.list

It does what I want but it also removes all other lines.它做我想要的,但它也删除了所有其他行。

What am I doing wrong?我究竟做错了什么?

Problem is with the option -n in your command that suppresses normal output.问题在于您的命令中的选项-n会抑制正常输出。 You need to remove -n and also remove p option from substitution to avoid double printing of matching lines.您需要删除-n并从替换中删除p选项以避免重复打印匹配行。

This command should work for you:这个命令应该对你有用:

sed -i '/^\([^#].*main\)/s/main/& contrib non-free/' /etc/apt/sources.list

The accepted answer from @anubhava (thanks for your code, as it pointed me in the right direction) would add contrib non-free even if it already exists in the line. @anubhava 接受的答案(感谢您的代码,因为它为我指明了正确的方向)会添加 contrib non-free,即使它已经存在于行中。 Try the following:请尝试以下操作:

sed -i '/^\([^#].*main\)*$/s/main/& contrib non-free/' /etc/apt/sources.list

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