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[英]How to resize a BitmapImage from another BitmapImage in memory and not on filesystem

This is the continuation of 这是延续

Datacontract serialization/serialization with images 数据合同与图像的序列化/序列化

so now I have a BitmapImage coming from a stream. 所以现在我有一个来自流的BitmapImage。 In short a BitmapImage I want to resize it to a desired size. 简而言之,我想将BitmapImage调整为所需的大小。

I have found tons of code on how to resize from an image on file system but none on how to resize from an already existing BitmapImage 我发现了大量关于如何从文件系统上的图像调整大小的代码,却没有关于如何从已经存在的BitmapImage调整大小的代码

EDIT: 编辑: 在此处输入图片说明

You may use a TransformedBitmap with an appropriate ScaleTransform : 您可以将TransformedBitmap与适当的ScaleTransform

BitmapImage sourceBitmap = ...
var targetBitmap = new TransformedBitmap(sourceBitmap, new ScaleTransform(0.5, 0.5));

The result is a TransformedBitmap, not a BitmapImage. 结果是一个TransformedBitmap,而不是BitmapImage。 However, this shouldn't matter, because in your application there should be no need to deal only with BitmapImages. 但是,这无关紧要,因为在您的应用程序中,不必只处理BitmapImages。 It should be sufficient to do all image-related stuff with the base classes BitmapSource or even ImageSource . 使用基类BitmapSourceImageSource进行所有与图像有关的工作就足够了。 Eg the Source property of the Image control is of type ImageSource . 例如,Image控件的Source属性的类型为ImageSource

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