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如何在查询之前设置SQLAlchemy ORM类的属性?

[英]How do I set the attributes of a SQLAlchemy ORM class before query?

For example, using Flask-SQLAlchemy and jsontools to serialize to JSON like shown -here- , and given a model like this: 例如,使用Flask-SQLAlchemy和jsontools如-here-所示序列化为JSON,并给出如下模型:

class Engine(db.Model):
    __tablename__ = "engines"

    id      = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    this    = db.Column(db.String(10))
    that    = db.Column(db.String(10))
    parts   = db.relationship("Part")

    schema = ["id"
        ,   "this"
        ,   "that"
        ,       "parts"

    def __json__(self):
        return self.schema

class Part(db.Model):
    __tablename__ = "parts"

    id          = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    engine_id   = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey("engines.id"))
    code        = db.Column(db.String(10))

    def __json__(self):
        return ["id", "code"]

How do I change the schema attribute before query so that it takes effect on the return data? 如何在查询之前更改schema属性,以使其对返回数据生效?

enginelist = db.session.query(Engine).all()
return enginelist

So far, I have succeeded with subclassing and single-table inheritance like so: 到目前为止,我已经成功实现了子类化和单表继承,如下所示:

class Engine_smallschema(Engine):
    __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'smallschema'}

    schema = ["id"
        ,   "this"
        ,   "that"


enginelist = db.session.query(Engine_smallschema).all()
return enginelist

...but it seems there should be a better way without needing to subclass (I'm not sure if this is wise). ...但是似乎应该有一种无需子类化的更好方法(我不确定这是否明智)。 I've tried various things such as setting an attribute or calling a method to set an internal variable. 我尝试了各种方法,例如设置属性或调用方法来设置内部变量。 Problem is, when trying such things, the query doesn't like the instance object given it and I don't know SQLAlchemy well enough yet to know if queries can be executed on pre-made instances of these classes. 问题是,在尝试此类操作时,查询不喜欢指定的实例对象,而且我对SQLAlchemy的了解还不够,还不知道是否可以对这些类的预制实例执行查询。

I can also loop through the returned objects, setting a new schema, and get the wanted JSON, but this isn't a solution for me because it launches new queries (I usually request the small dataset first). 我还可以遍历返回的对象,设置新的架构,并获取所需的JSON,但这对我来说不是一个解决方案,因为它会启动新的查询(我通常首先请求小的数据集)。

Any other ideas? 还有其他想法吗?

The JSON serialization takes place in flask, not in SQLAlchemy. JSON序列化在flask中进行,而不是在SQLAlchemy中进行。 Thus, the __json__ function is not consulted until after you return from your view function. 因此,直到从视图函数返回后,才使用__json__函数。 This has therefore nothing to do with SQLAlchemy, and instead it has to do with the custom encoding function, which presumably you can change. 因此,这与SQLAlchemy无关,而是与自定义编码功能有关,该功能大概可以更改。

I would actually suggest not attempting to do it this way if you have different sets of attributes you want to serialize for a model. 实际上,如果您要对模型进行序列化的属性集不同,则建议不要尝试通过这种方式进行操作。 Setting a magic attribute on an instance that affects how it's serialized violates the principle of least surprise. 在实例上设置影响其序列化方式的魔术属性违反了最小惊讶原则。 Instead, you can, for example, make a Serializer class that you can initialize with the list of fields you want to be serialized, then pass your Engine to it to produce a dict that can be readily converted to JSON. 相反,例如,您可以创建一个Serializer类,该类可以使用要序列化的字段列表进行初始化,然后将Engine传递给它,以生成可以轻松转换为JSON的dict

If you insist on doing it your way, you can probably just do this: 如果您坚持以自己的方式进行操作,则可以执行以下操作:

for e in enginelist:
    e.__json__ = lambda: ["id", "this", "that"]

Of course, you can change __json__ to be a property instead if you want to avoid the lambda. 当然,如果要避免使用lambda,则可以将__json__更改为属性。

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