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如何在sqlalchemy ORM中表达此查询?

[英]How can I express this query in sqlalchemy ORM?

Here is my SQL query: 这是我的SQL查询:

select survey_spec.survey_spec_id, cr.login as created_by, installed_at, req.login as requested_by, role
from survey_spec
        join (select survey_spec_id, role, max(installed_at) as installed_at from survey_installation_history group by 1, 2) latest using (survey_spec_id)
        left join survey_installation_history using (survey_spec_id, role, installed_at)
        left join users cr on created_by = cr.user_id
        left join users req on requested_by = req.user_id
where survey_id = :survey_id
order by created_at desc, installed_at desc

I have ORM entities for survey_spec , survey_installation_history , and users , and survey_spec.installations is a relationship to survey_installation_history using survey_spec_id as the key. 我对ORM实体survey_specsurvey_installation_historyusers ,以及survey_spec.installations是一个关系survey_installation_history使用survey_spec_id的关键。

Do you have the example output of what you have got so far? 您是否有到目前为止所获得的示例输出? ie the output of: 即输出:

print survey_spec.query.filter(survey_spec.survey_id==survey_id).options(

If you just want to load up your entities, you could bypass the SQL generation and load from your given literal SQL , something along the lines of: 如果您只想加载实体,则可以绕过SQL的生成,并从给定的文字SQL加载,具体方法如下:

session.query(survey_spec).from_statement("""select survey_spec.survey_spec_id, cr.login as created_by, installed_at, req.login as requested_by, role
from survey_spec
 join (select survey_spec_id, role, max(installed_at) as installed_at from survey_installation_history group by 1, 2) latest using (survey_spec_id)
 left join survey_installation_history using (survey_spec_id, role, installed_at)
 left join users cr on created_by = cr.user_id
 left join users req on requested_by = req.user_id
where survey_id = :survey_id
order by created_at desc, installed_at desc""").params(survey_id=survey_id).all()

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