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[英]Output values to be separated by commas and to exclude the last comma

I need my output to be separated by commas which it does, but I need the last comma excluded and also how would I rerun my program. 我需要用逗号分隔输出,但需要排除最后一个逗号以及如何重新运行程序。 I need to do this the simplest way as possible. 我需要以最简单的方式做到这一点。 This is what I have so far: 这是我到目前为止的内容:

System.out.print("Enter numbers (-1 to end):");

  int num = input.nextInt();      
  int sum = 0;
  String u= " ";

  while (num != -1) {
    sum += num;
    u += num + ",";
    num =  input.nextInt();
System.out.println("Entered Numbers: " + u);

System.out.println("The Sum: " + sum);

Loop around and put the result into a StringBuilder 循环并将结果放入StringBuilder

StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder  (" ");
while (num != -1) {
  sum += num;
//  u += num + ",";

  buf.append (num).append (",");
  num =  input.nextInt();

then print all but the last 然后打印除最后一个以外的所有内容

  System.out.println (buf.substring(0, buf.length () - 1));
if (u.endsWith(",")) {
  u= u.substring(0, u.length() - 1);

or 要么

StringUtils.stripEnd(u, ",");

Replace 更换

u += num + ",";


u += (u.length() == 1 ? "" : ",") + num;

This only appends the comma if something has already been appended to u . 仅当u附加了逗号时,才附加逗号。

Note that it is better to use a StringBuilder to concatenate strings in a loop. 请注意,最好使用StringBuilder在循环中连接字符串。

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