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[英]How to turn off antialiasing in Chaco plots

Chaco always plots lines antialiased, so the output normally looks nice and smooth: Chaco总是绘制抗锯齿的线条,因此输出通常看起来很平滑: 在此处输入图片说明

But antialiasing takes time and makes real-time plotting much slower. 但是抗锯齿需要时间,并且使实时绘图慢得多。 In specific cases I still would like to have non-antialiased plots. 在特定情况下,我仍然希望使用非抗锯齿图。 I haven't found in docs anything related to this. 我在文档中没有发现与此相关的任何内容。 Is it possible to turn off antialiasing and have fast ragged curves? 是否可以关闭抗锯齿并具有快速的参差不齐的曲线?


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