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[英]Overriding the Equals in Scala

I need to have a custom equal method for a few of case classes. 我需要为一些案例类提供一个自定义的equal方法。 After some online searching, I haven't see any definite solution. 经过一些在线搜索,我还没有确定的解决方案。 Shall I write my own method of equality check? 我应该写自己的相等性检查方法吗?

Yes. 是。 You will need to define your own equals method: 您将需要定义自己的equals方法:

case class Person(...) {

    override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = {

    override def hashCode: Int = {

The equals method looks easy, but it could also be trick. equals方法看起来很简单,但也可能是技巧。 I strongly advise you to read the following chapter of Scala Cookbook about how to Define an equals Method (Object Equality) and this essay at Artima: How to Write an Equality Method in Java . 我强烈建议您阅读Scala Cookbook的下一章,该章关于如何定义一个equals方法(对象相等),以及Artima: 如何用Java编写相等方法的这篇文章。

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