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使用g ++-5时protobuf无法在osx上编译

[英]protobuf will not compile on osx when using g++-5

See the following sample project based on the c++ tutorial on protobuf . 请参阅以下基于protobufc ++教程的示例项目。

https://github.com/cskeeters/protobuf_addressbook https://github.com/cskeeters/protobuf_addressbook

I installed protobuf on osx 10.10.5 using: 我在osx 10.10.5上使用以下命令安装了protobuf:

brew install protobuf

I installed g++-5 via brew install also, but it's been a while. 我也通过brew install安装了g ++-5,但是已经有一段时间了。 Why won't this won't compile with g++? 为什么不能用g ++编译?

The command that fails is: 失败的命令是:

g++-5 -g -O2 -L/usr/local/Cellar/protobuf/2.6.1/lib -lprotobuf -D_THREAD_SAFE -o main main.o addressbook.pb.o

The result is: Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: "google::protobuf::MessageFactory::InternalRegisterGeneratedFile(char const*, void (*)(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&))", referenced from: tutorial::protobuf_AddDesc_addressbook_2eproto() in addressbook.pb.o ... 结果是: Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: "google::protobuf::MessageFactory::InternalRegisterGeneratedFile(char const*, void (*)(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&))", referenced from: tutorial::protobuf_AddDesc_addressbook_2eproto() in addressbook.pb.o ...

I'm just testing. 我正在测试。 I have no reason not to use clang++ on osx. 我没有理由不在osx上使用clang ++。 I'm just curious. 我只是好奇。

It is because different ABI for clang, g++-5 and g++-4.x. 这是因为clang,g ++-5和g ++-4.x的ABI不同。 You need first to recompile protobuf itself with g++-5, and only then link it to your program with -lprotobuf . 您首先需要使用g ++-5重新编译protobuf本身,然后才使用-lprotobuf将其链接到您的程序。

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