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在字符串上过滤 spark DataFrame 包含

[英]Filter spark DataFrame on string contains

I am using Spark 1.3.0 and Spark Avro 1.0.0 .我正在使用Spark 1.3.0Spark Avro 1.0.0 I am working from the example on the repository page .我正在使用存储库页面上的示例 This following code works well以下代码运行良好

val df = sqlContext.read.avro("src/test/resources/episodes.avro")
df.filter("doctor > 5").write.avro("/tmp/output")

But what if I needed to see if the doctor string contains a substring?但是如果我需要查看doctor字符串是否包含子字符串呢? Since we are writing our expression inside of a string.因为我们在字符串中编写我们的表达式。 What do I do to do a "contains"?我该怎么做才能做到“包含”?

You can use contains (this works with an arbitrary sequence):您可以使用contains (这适用于任意序列):


like (SQL like with SQL simple regular expression whith _ matching an arbitrary character and % matching an arbitrary sequence): like (SQL like with SQL simple正则表达式_匹配任意字符和%匹配任意序列):


or rlike (like with Java regular expressions ):rlike (如Java 正则表达式):


depending on your requirements.取决于您的要求。 LIKE and RLIKE should work with SQL expressions as well. LIKERLIKE也适用于 SQL 表达式。

In pyspark,SparkSql syntax:在pyspark中,SparkSql语法:

where column_n like 'xyz%'

might not work.可能不起作用。


where column_n RLIKE '^xyz' 

This works perfectly fine.这工作得很好。

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