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[英]convert resultset to nested json in java

I am trying to convert a resultset into a JSON string in Java. 我正在尝试将结果集转换为Java中的JSON字符串。 The data is in the form 数据形式为

| id| job_type | question    | response_type | 
| 1 | quote    | question1   | text1         |   
| 2 | quote    | question2   | number2       |   
| 3 | standard | question1   | text2         |   
| 4 | standard | question2   | number2       |   

and I want to get JSON in the form 我想以以下形式获取JSON

   "JobType": “Quote",
   "Questions": [{
      "question": “question1",
      "response_type": “ text1",
   }, {
      "question": “question2",
      "response_type": “ number2",
   "Questions": [{
       "question": “question1",
       "response_type": “ number2",
   }, {
       "question": “question2",
       "response_type": “ number2",

This is where I have got so far 这是我到目前为止所到之处

JSONObject jobType = new JSONObject();
List<JSONObject> jobTypeQuestionListIndividual = new ArrayList<JSONObject>();

int i = 0;
if (!jobTemplate.next()) {    
        System.out.println("No records found");
} else {
    do {
        if (i % 2 == 0) {
            jobType.put("JobType",jobTemplate.getString("JobType") );

            JSONObject firstQuestion = new JSONObject();
            firstQuestion.put("question",  jobTemplate.getString("question"));
            firstQuestion.put("response_type",  jobTemplate.getString("response_type"));



        } else {
            JSONObject question = new JSONObject();

            question.put("question",  jobTemplate.getString("question"));
            question.put("response_type",  jobTemplate.getString("response_type"));


        i = i+1;

    } while (jobTemplate.next());

System.out.println( jobType);

but this results in 但这导致

   "JobType": “Quote",
   "Questions": [{
      "question": “question1",
      "response_type": “ text1",
   }, {
      "question": “question2",
      "response_type": “ number2",
      "question": “question1",
      "response_type": “ number2",
   }, {
       "question": “question2",
       "response_type": “ number2",

Thanks in advance for your help. 在此先感谢您的帮助。

I managed to figure out how to build the nested json by first creating hashmaps and hashsets. 我设法通过首先创建哈希图和哈希集来弄清楚如何构建嵌套的json。 This was inspired by the following answers: How to get an array of two values from jdbc result set and Storing a hash map inside another hash map and improving performance 这是受以下答案的启发: 如何从jdbc结果集中获取两个值的数组,以及如何将哈希图存储在另一个哈希图中并提高性能

My code doesn't provide the JSON in exactly the format I originally needed, but it works for me. 我的代码没有提供与我最初所需的格式完全相同的JSON,但是对我有用。 I get 我懂了

{"Quote": [{"question": “question1","response_type": “ text1",},{ "question": “question2", "response_type": “ number2",}],"Standard":[{ "question": “question1","}]} {“ Quote”:[{“ question”:“ question1”,“ response_type”:“ text1”,},{“ question”:“ question2”,“ response_type”:“ number2”,}],“ Standard”:[ {“ question”:“ question1”,“}]}

My updated code is 我更新的代码是

String out = "";
try {
    String jobType = "";
    ResultSet jobTemplate = jobs.getAllJobDetailsTemplate(Integer.parseInt(customerId));
    Map<String, Set<HashMap<String,String>>> jobTypes = new HashMap<String, Set<HashMap<String,String>>>();

    while (jobTemplate.next()) {
        jobType = jobTemplate.getString("JobType");
        Set<HashMap<String,String>> questions = jobTypes.containsKey(jobType) ? jobTypes.get(jobType) : new HashSet<HashMap<String,String>>();
           HashMap<String,String> individualQuestion = new HashMap<String,String>();
             individualQuestion.put("question",  jobTemplate.getString("question"));
             individualQuestion.put("response_type", jobTemplate.getString("response_type"));
        jobTypes.put(jobType, questions); 

    out = new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(jobTypes);

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