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如何使用C ++将值检索到数组中?

[英]How to retrieve a value into an array using c++?

I tried to search into an array a value coming from a server java.The server send data after a click on a button and this value is received into estratto which is a char array. 我试图将来自服务器java的值搜索到数组中。服务器在单击按钮后发送数据,并且此值被接收到estratto ,这是一个char数组。 I need to find estratto into the string array numeri or into the string variable number . 我需要找到estratto到字符串数组numeri或成字符串变量number

How can I do this? 我怎样才能做到这一点?

Here's my code: 这是我的代码:

char estratto[2048];
int pos=-1;
char message[2048] = "";
//-- some code

while(recv(sock, buff, sizeof(buff),0) > 0){
            strcat(message,buff); // received message form client

//-- some code

//-- divided message into a string array
istringstream iss(message);
    string token;
    string numeri[15];
    int i=0,j=0,e=0;

    while (std::getline(iss, token, ','))
        numeri[i]= token.c_str();

//-- the part that has problems
    string number(message);
    while(recv(sock, estratto, sizeof(estratto),0)>0){          
                for(i=0; i<15; i++){


The cout <<"Trovato!" 喊声<<“ Trovato!” << endl; << endl; doesn't work if I try to change some parts of this code. 如果我尝试更改此代码的某些部分,将无法正常工作。 Someone can help me to find the solution? 有人可以帮助我找到解决方案吗?

Are you running into a unsigned vs signed character set issue. 您是否遇到未签名与已签名字符集的问题。 You may need to encode and decode the string with the 64 bit encoding standard. 您可能需要使用64位编码标准对字符串进行编码和解码。

I would modify the code like this: 我会这样修改代码:

while(recv(sock, estratto, sizeof(estratto),0)>0){          
            for(i=0; i<15; i++){
                if(pos != std::string::npos)

                if(strstr(numeri[i].c_str(),estratto) != NULL){

Your first check "pos>0" is wrong because if estratto string is contained into number string starting from index 0, your check will not find it. 您的第一个检查“ pos> 0”是错误的,因为如果estratto字符串包含在从索引0开始的数字字符串中,则您的检查将找不到它。 Your second check by strcmp() function instead would catch estratto string only if it exactly matches numeri[i] string, but not if it is a substring. 相反,通过strcmp()函数进行的第二次检查将仅在estratto字符串与numeri [i]字符串完全匹配时才捕获estratto字符串,但如果它是子字符串则不会。

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