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[英]RadioButtonFor model binding not working with Enum

I am trying to implement a form that contains a grid-like structure of radio buttons. 我正在尝试实现一个包含单选按钮的网格状结构的表单。 There are four radio buttons, one of which can be selected. 有四个单选按钮,可以选择其中一个。 In the model I have an Enum to hold the four options and the model has reference to this. 在模型中,我有一个Enum来容纳四个选项,并且模型对此进行了引用。

The Enum: 枚举:

public enum HubType
    Hub5 = 0,
    Hub3 = 1,
    Router = 2,
    Others = 3,

The Model: 该模型:

public class Customer
    public string ReferenceId { get; set; }
    public CustomerType Type { get; set; }

    public int ChangesMade = 0;
    public DateTime MigrationDate { get; set; }
    public bool MigrationDateChanged = false;
    public List<SiteDetails> Sites = new List<SiteDetails>()
        new SiteDetails { SiteAddress = "test address 1", Hub = HubType.Hub3 },
        new SiteDetails { SiteAddress = "test address 2", Hub = HubType.Hub5},
        new SiteDetails { SiteAddress = "test address 3", Hub = HubType.Router},
        new SiteDetails { SiteAddress = "test address 4", Hub = HubType.Hub5}

SiteDetails.cs SiteDetails.cs

public class SiteDetails
    public String SiteAddress { get; set; }
    public HubType Hub = HubType.Hub5;

Finally the partial view SiteDetails.cshtml 最后局部查看SiteDetails.cshtml

@model MyApp.Models.Customer
@using MyApp.Models.Enums
    var hubTypes = Enum.GetValues(typeof(HubType));

@using (Html.BeginForm("SiteDetails", "MyApp", FormMethod.Post))
    @for(int site = 0; site < Model.Sites.Count; site++)
        @for (int hub = 0; hub < hubTypes.Length; hub++)
            @Html.RadioButtonFor(m => m.Sites[site].Hub, hubTypes.GetValue(hub))
        <input type="submit" class="button right" value="Save 

When I submit the page, I expect the model property to be populated with the selected value, which is not happening now. 提交页面时,我希望模型属性将填充所选的值,但现在不会发生。 Please help me to explore where I am doing wrong and if there is any better approach to do this. 请帮助我探讨我在哪里做错了,以及是否有更好的方法可以做到这一点。 Thanks in advance! 提前致谢!

List<SiteDetails> Sites and HubType Hub are fields, not properties so the DefaultModelBinder cannot set the value. List<SiteDetails> SitesHubType Hub是字段,不是属性,因此DefaultModelBinder无法设置该值。 You need to make them properties 您需要为其设置属性

public class Customer
    public List<SiteDetails> Sites { get; set; }
public class SiteDetails
    public HubType Hub = { get; set; }

and then assign those values in the controller (or in a parameter-less constructor). 然后在控制器(或无参数构造函数)中分配这些值。 Note also that int ChangesMade and bool MigrationDateChanged are also fields, but you do not appear to be using those in the view. 还要注意, int ChangesMadebool MigrationDateChanged也是字段,但是您似乎没有在视图中使用它们。

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