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[英]How can I get command line arguments(sys.argv) in python

filename:test.py 文件名:test.py

import sys

I typed python test.py 1 2 3 in the cmd console , it works well. 我在cmd控制台中键入python test.py 1 2 3 ,它很好用。

3.5.1 (v3.5.1:37a07cee5969, Dec  6 2015, 01:54:25) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)]
['test.py', '1', '2', '3']

However , I type test.py 1 2 3 in the cmd console, it can only get the first argument. 但是,我在cmd控制台中键入test.py 1 2 3 ,它只能获取第一个参数。

3.5.0b4 (v3.5.0b4:c0d641054635, Jul 26 2015, 06:55:14) [MSC v.1900 32 bit (Intel)]

How can I get these arguments ? 我如何获得这些论点?

Sounds like your Windows file association is bad. 听起来您的Windows文件关联错误。 Make sure arguments are passed as %%* . 确保将参数作为%%*传递。 Use the assoc and ftype commands in cmd.exe to check. cmd.exe使用assocftype命令进行检查。 For example: 例如:

ASSOC .py=Python.File
FTYPE Python.File="C:\Python35\python.exe" "%%1" %%*

Yes, my Windows file association is bad.I Checked the registry , and finally changed the registry . 是的,我的Windows文件关联错误。我检查了注册表,最后更改了注册表。 The problem is solved . 问题已经解决了 。

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\Applications\\python.exe\\shell\\open\\command] @="\\"c:\\\\bin\\\\python35\\\\python.exe\\" \\"%L\\" %*"

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