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[英]uml use case diagram include and extend


Don't make any extend and include at all. 不要做任何扩展,包括所有内容。 Just place a constraint to the use case Register Profile that it is done only once. 只需对用例“ Register Profile设置一个约束即可,该约束只能执行一次。 Include/Extend shall not be used for functional decomposition. 包含/扩展不得用于功能分解。 Their use is "highly sophisticated" (to avoid words like bloated or silly) and it is recommend to avoid them simply because of the first reason: no functional decomposition! 它们的使用是“高度复杂的”(避免使用诸如ated肿或愚蠢的词语),建议仅由于第一个原因而避免使用它们:没有功能分解!

It depends on how you see the relationship between the two use cases : 这取决于您如何看待两个用例之间的关系

  • are register profile and edit profile independent ? register profileedit profile独立? Example: someone enters your website the first time, and choose to register; 例如:有人第一次进入您的网站,然后选择注册; As soon as he saves his profile info, he comes back to the were he was. 他保存个人资料信息后,便会立即返回原来的状态。

  • or do you you see register profile as the first step before edit profile ? 还是在edit profile之前将register profile视为第一步? Example: someone enters your website the first time, and choose to register; 例如:有人第一次进入您的网站,然后选择注册; As soon as he has created his profile, he automatically is in edit profile , in case he wants to do some changes. 创建个人edit profile ,如果他要进行某些更改,他将自动进入edit profile中。 In this case edit extends register : both are self sufficient use cases, but at the end of the registration an extension point link to the extending case. 在这种情况下, edit扩展register :这两个都是自用的用例,但是在注册结束时,扩展点链接到扩展用例。

  • or do you see register profile as dependent of edit profile , which represents a significant part of it ? 还是您认为register profile依赖于edit profile ,而edit profile占了很大一部分? Example: someone enters your website and automatically gets an anonymous profile; 例如:有人进入您的网站并自动获得匿名个人资料; when he chooses to register the edit profile opens that allows him to put a name on his existing profile. 当他选择注册时,打开的edit profile将允许他在现有配置文件中添加名称。 In this case register includes edit : one can't have the first without the second. 在这种情况下, register包括edit :一个没有第二个就不能拥有第一个。

Note that personally, I'd opt for the first approach (as suggested by Thomas), as you definitely will need both interactions. 请注意,就我个人而言,我会选择第一种方法(如Thomas所建议的),因为您肯定需要两种交互。 I would reserve inclusion only use cases that are not triggered directly by the user. 我将只保留不是由用户直接触发的用例。 I would not like to use the extension as it is ambiguous (here: does edit extend register due to extension point, or does register extend edit, due to added functionality). 我不想使用扩展名,因为它是模棱两可的(在这里:由于扩展点而编辑扩展名,还是由于增加的功能而进行扩展名的注册)。 Martin Fowler in " UML distilled " strongly advises against using extensions here because of the fierce debate they usually provoke. Martin Fowler在“ UML蒸馏 ”中强烈建议不要在此处使用扩展名,因为它们通常会引起激烈的争论。

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