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python - 如何将时间显示为纪元?

[英]python - how to display time as epoch?

I need to display the current time as an epoch in python to pass as a variable into some code how do I go about doing that?我需要将当前时间显示为 python 中的一个纪元,以作为变量传递给某些代码,我该怎么做?

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Every method of每一种方法

import datetime

gives human readable values.给出人类可读的值。

There is a built-in function in the time module: time模块中有一个内置函数:

import time

seconds = time.time()

There are many functions in the time module for seconds since the Epoch, time tuples, etc. I would recommend that you check out the docs .自 Epoch 以来, time模块中有许多函数,时间元组等。我建议您查看docs

Import the time library, and then use this code:导入time库,然后使用以下代码:

>>> time.mktime(datetime.datetime.now().timetuple())

time.mktime converts a datetime to a Unix epoch timestamp. time.mktimedatetime时间转换为 Unix 纪元时间戳。

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