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[英]To sum up values of same items in a list of tuples while they are string

If I have list of tuples like this:如果我有这样的元组列表:

my_list = [('books', '$5'), ('books', '$10'), ('ink', '$20'), ('paper', '$15'), ('paper', '$20'), ('paper', '$15')] 

how can I turn the list to this:我怎样才能把列表变成这个:

[('books', '$15'), ('ink', '$20'), ('paper', '$50')]

ie to add the expense of same item while both the items are string in the tuples.即添加相同项目的费用,而这两个项目都是元组中的字符串。 I have problem with the price items being string.我对价格项目是字符串有问题。 Any hint would be greatly appreciated.任何提示将不胜感激。 Thanks a lot!非常感谢!

I am getting the first list in this way:我以这种方式获得第一个列表:

for line in data:
        item, price  = line.strip('\n').split(',') 
        cost = ["{:s}".format(item.strip()), "${:.2f}".format(float(price))]

Now my_list should look like given above.现在my_list应该像上面给出的那样。

You can use defaultdict to do this:您可以使用defaultdict来做到这一点:

>>> from collections import defaultdict
>>> my_list = [('books', '$5'), ('books', '$10'), ('ink', '$20'), ('paper', '$15'), ('paper', '$20'), ('paper', '$15')] 
>>> res = defaultdict(list)
>>> for item, price in my_list:
...     res[item].append(int(price.strip('$')))
>>> total = [(k, "${}".format(sum(v))) for k, v in res.items()]
>>> total
[('ink', '$20'), ('books', '$15'), ('paper', '$50')]

This is fairly easy using a dictionary:这很容易使用字典:

result={} #initialize an empty dictionary
for (type,cost) in my_list:
    if type not in result.keys():
        result[type]=int(cost[1:]) #add entry
        result[type]=result[type]+int(cost[1:]) #increment cost

#make dictionary a list again
for key, value in result.iteritems():
    temp = [key,"$"+str(value)] #add dollar sign

print dictlist

Edit: forgot two lines编辑:忘了两行

You can simply use a dictionary to solve this problem.你可以简单地使用字典来解决这个问题。

my_list = [('books', '$5'), ('books', '$10'), ('ink', '$20'),
       ('paper', '$15'), ('paper', '$20'), ('paper', '$15')]

sums = {}
for item, price in my_list:
    sums[item] = sums.get(item, 0) + int(price[1:])

print sums

And if you need list of tuples, just do如果您需要元组列表,只需执行

print sums.items()

And to get your the output you expect,为了得到你期望的输出,

print [(item, '$' + str(price)) for item, price in sums.items()]


If you have costs with floating point value, you can simply change int to float like this and rest of the code remains the same,如果您有浮点值的成本,您可以像这样简单地将int更改为float并且其余代码保持不变,

sums[item] = sums.get(item, 0) + float(price[1:])

If your data is already grouped like you sample input, you can use itertools.groupby , grouping by each first element of the tuples and summing the prices in each group:如果您的数据已经像您输入的样本一样分组,您可以使用itertools.groupby ,按元组的每个第一个元素分组并对每组中的价格求和:

from itertools import groupby
from operator import itemgetter

my_list = [('books', '$5'), ('books', '$10'), ('ink', '$20'), ('paper', '$15'), ('paper', '$20'), ('paper', '$15')]

grouped = [(k, "${}".format(sum(int(s[1][1:]) for s in v)))    
               for k ,v in groupby(my_list, itemgetter(0))]


[('books', '$15'), ('ink', '$20'), ('paper', '$50')]

If it were not ordered you could call sorted groupby(sorted(my_list), itemgetter(0)) but changes the complexity to n log n so a dict option may be better in that case.如果没有排序,您可以调用 sorted groupby(sorted(my_list), itemgetter(0))但将复杂性更改为n log n因此在这种情况下 dict 选项可能更好。

You can also do the groupby on data and forget building an intermediary list, csv.reader will also split the data for you:你也可以对data csv.reader而忘记建立一个中间列表, csv.reader也会为你拆分数据:

from itertools import groupby
from operator import itemgetter

from csv import reader
grouped = [(k, "${}".format(sum(int(s[1]) for s in v))) 
              for k, v in groupby(reader(data), itemgetter(0))]

You might be better also leaving the values as ints and formatting when you want to output.当您想要输出时,您最好也将值保留为整数和格式。 Also to handle floats cast to float not int:还要处理浮点数转换为浮点数而不是 int:

from csv import reader
grouped = [(k, sum(float(s[1]) for s in v))
              for k, v in groupby(reader(data), itemgetter(0))]

When you want to output you can add the dollar sign and also pad so you get nicely formatted output:当您想输出时,您可以添加美元符号并填充,以便获得格式良好的输出:

In [10]: "${:.2f}".format(1.0)
Out[10]: '$1.00'

Just for fun, a one-liner:只是为了好玩,单行:

[(k,'$'+str(sum(int(e[1][1:]) for e in my_list if e[0]==k))) for k in set(map(lambda x:x[0], my_list))]

Don't actually do this.实际上不要这样做。

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