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在Symfony 3.0上使用树枝生成Javascript,而无需与Javascript代码中的{}产生冲突

[英]Generate Javascript with twig on Symfony 3.0 without interfearing with {} in Javascript code

Fellows I try ro generate a way that I will be able to get the urls of each ajax call by using twig's path function. 研究员,我尝试ro生成一种方法,通过使用树枝的path函数,我将能够获取每个ajax调用的url。 The reason I am doing that is because I try to create a single-page application by using Knockout MVVM and require.js therefore I need Ajax calls and I need the urls to be generated dynamically. 我这样做的原因是因为我尝试使用Knockout MVVM和require.js创建单页应用程序,因此我需要Ajax调用,并且需要动态生成URL。

The way I do it is that I create a Route: 我这样做的方法是创建路线:

  public function ajax_calls(Request $request)
    $response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/javascript');

    return $response;

And I load the specific template (javascript/ajax_calls.js.twig): 然后加载特定模板(javascript / ajax_calls.js.twig):

*Returns the urls of the calls we need

  return {
    *Urls for the albums (aka image groups)
                return "{{path('user_groups')}}";
                 return "{{path('group_add')}}";
                   return "{{path('group_delete')}}";
                 return "{{path('group_update')}}";
    *Urls for the Images
                return "{{path('add_images', group_id='^group_id^')}}".replace("^group_id^",group_id);
                return "{{path('delete_images')}}";

I use fefine because I want to be able to be loaded with require.js and as you can See I try to generate an Object that returns the urls for a specific part of an single page application. 我使用fefine是因为我希望能够加载require.js,并且如您所见,我尝试生成一个对象,该对象返回单个页面应用程序特定部分的url。

But somehow on line: 但是以某种方式在线上:


There's is a conflict and I do not know how to escape it. 有冲突,我不知道如何解决。

The specific Error I get is: 我得到的具体错误是:

Arguments must be separated by a comma. Unexpected token "punctuation" of value ":" ("punctuation" expected with value ",") in main.js.twig at line 11. 

Do you know how to fix this problem or an alternative way to get the urls as a Javascript Object (by generating them dynamically)? 您知道如何解决此问题,或者以其他方式(通过动态生成网址)将其作为Javascript对象获取吗?

Note: I also seen the https://github.com/FriendsOfSymfony/FOSJsRoutingBundle/blob/master/Resources/doc/index.md as posted on Ajax url parametetr using Twig path 注意:我还看到了使用Twig路径发布在Ajax url参数上的https://github.com/FriendsOfSymfony/FOSJsRoutingBundle/blob/master/Resources/doc/index.md

But It does not help me on how I desighned the application (I use view models and I want to keep the view models as clear as possible from urls and load them externally). 但这对我如何设计应用程序没有帮助(我使用视图模型,并且希望保持url中尽可能清晰的视图模型并将其加载到外部)。

Also I will be grad for an Alternate way to do that. 同样,我将以替代方式毕业。

Edit 1: 编辑1:

I tried with: 我尝试了:

*Returns the urls of the calls we need

  return {
    *Urls for the albums (aka image groups)
    'albums': {% verbatim %} { {% endverbatim %}
{% verbatim %}   { {% endverbatim %}
                return "{{path('user_groups')}}";
               {% verbatim %} { {% endverbatim %}
                 return "{{path('group_add')}}";
               {% verbatim %} { {% endverbatim %}
                   return "{{path('group_delete')}}";
               {% verbatim %} { {% endverbatim %}
                 return "{{path('group_update')}}";
    *Urls for the Images
    'images': {% verbatim %} { {% endverbatim %}
              {% verbatim %} { {% endverbatim %}
                return "{{path('add_images', group_id='^group_id^')}}".replace("^group_id^",group_id);
              {% verbatim %} { {% endverbatim %}
                return "{{path('delete_images')}}";

And returns the error: 并返回错误:

Arguments must be separated by a comma. Unexpected token "punctuation" of value ":" ("punctuation" expected with value ",") in main.js.twig at line 11. 

Edit2: EDIT2:

I also get the same error with: 我也收到相同的错误:

{% verbatim %}
*Returns the urls of the calls we need

  return {
    *Urls for the albums (aka image groups)
{% endverbatim %}
                return "{{path('user_groups')}}";
                 return "{{path('group_add')}}";
                   return "{{path('group_delete')}}";
                 return "{{path('group_update')}}";
{% verbatim %}
    *Urls for the Images
{% endverbatim %}
                return "{{path('add_images', group_id='^group_id^')}}".replace("^group_id^",group_id);
                return "{{path('delete_images')}}";
{% verbatim %}
{% endverbatim %}

Edit 3: 编辑3:

I figured out that I generate an another javascript file. 我发现我生成了另一个JavaScript文件。 The controller generates it by using the main.js.twig: 控制器使用main.js.twig生成它:




    {% block Viewmodels %}
    {% endblock %}

  waitSeconds: 200,

{% block initFunction %}
{% endblock %}

And the problem that generates is the line: 而产生的问题是一行:


What I try to do in this line is to generate a "fake" .js file without the .js in order to require.js to load it with .js extention. 我在这一行中尝试做的是生成一个不带.js的“假” .js文件,以便require.js以.js扩展名加载该文件。

If that's really your code... you're missing 2 commas, one after the add method and another after the delete : 如果这确实是您的代码...您缺少2个逗号,一个在add方法之后,另一个在删除之后

    'get': function ()
        return "{{path('user_groups')}}";
    'add': function ()
        return "{{path('group_add')}}";
    'delete': function ()
        return "{{path('group_delete')}}";
    'edit': function ()
        return "{{path('group_update')}}";

It's not a twig related problem at all I think. 我认为这根本不是树枝相关的问题。

I changed the line: 我改变了这一行:


with: 有:


On main.js.twig and works like charm! 在main.js.twig上,就像魅力一样!

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