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[英]Windows app store download permissions

I developed an app for Windows phone. 我为Windows手机开发了一个应用程序。 Now I want to deploy it on Windows app store and wants to put restriction.I want only specific people will able to install it. 现在我想在Windows应用商店中部署它并想要限制。我希望只有特定的人才能安装它。 How can I do that. 我怎样才能做到这一点。 Any suggestion will be appropriated. 任何建议都将被挪用。

Thanks, 谢谢,

Well that depends on who these specific people are. 那取决于这些特定的人是谁。 You can set age restrictions and region restrictions, and that's about it. 您可以设置年龄限制和区域限制,仅此而已。

If you mean you want to hand-pick users that can use your app, then provide a login screen where you manually authorize your registered users. 如果您的意思是想要亲自挑选可以使用您的应用的用户,请提供一个登录屏幕,您可以在其中手动授权您的注册用户。

If you mean that only users you choose can download the app, then you can't use the Store; 如果您的意思是只有您选择的用户可以下载该应用程序,那么您就不能使用该商店。 you'll need to use sideloading . 你需要使用sideloading

You can control distribution in the Distribution and Visibility section of your app submission on the developer dashboard. 您可以在开发人员仪表板上的应用程序提交的“ 分发和可见性”部分中控制分发。

There are three basic options (for Windows 10 - two for Windows Phone 8.x): 有三个基本选项(对于Windows 10 - 两个用于Windows Phone 8.x):

  • Hide this app and prevent acquisition. 隐藏此应用并阻止获取。 Customers with a promotional code can still download it on Windows 10 devices 拥有促销代码的客户仍可以在Windows 10设备上下载

Give codes to the people you want to be able to use the app. 将代码提供给您希望能够使用该应用的人员。 This is Windows 10 only. 这只是Windows 10。

  • Hide this app in the Store. 在商店中隐藏此应用。 Customers with a direct link to the app's listing can still download it, except on Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 直接链接到应用程序列表的客户仍可下载,但Windows 8和Windows 8.1除外

Send links to the people you want to use the app. 发送指向您要使用该应用的用户的链接。 This will work on Windows Phone 8.1 as well as Windows 10. Anybody with a link can download it though, so it won't truly limit to just the people you want to use the app. 这适用于Windows Phone 8.1以及Windows 10.任何有链接的人都可以下载它,因此它不会真正限制您想要使用该应用程序的人。

  • Hide this app and make it available only to the people you specify below, who can download this app on Windows Phone 8.x devices. 隐藏此应用并使其仅供您在下面指定的人员使用,谁可以在Windows Phone 8.x设备上下载此应用。 A promotional code may be used to download this app on Windows 10 devices 可以使用促销代码在Windows 10设备上下载此应用

This is the classic beta-mode for Windows Phone 8.x. 这是Windows Phone 8.x的经典beta模式。 You can specify which Microsoft Accounts have access to the app. 您可以指定哪些Microsoft帐户可以访问该应用程序。

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