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[英]What unit of time does the delay refer to?

In the tracer(x,y) function of python's standard turtle graphics where x is said to be the number of updates and y is said to be the delay time and calling the tracer does turn of the tracing animation.在 python 的标准海龟图形的 tracer(x,y) 函数中,x 被称为更新次数,y 被称为延迟时间,调用 tracer 确实打开了跟踪动画。 For example, in the call of turtle.tracer(1, 50), what unit of time does the delay of 50 refer to?比如在turtle.tracer(1, 50)的调用中,50的延迟指的是什么时间单位?

According to the docs:根据文档:

Set or return the drawing delay in milliseconds.以毫秒为单位设置或返回绘图延迟。 (This is approximately the time interval between two consecutive canvas updates.) The longer the drawing delay, the slower the animation. (这大约是两次连续画布更新之间的时间间隔。)绘制延迟越长,动画越慢。

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