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[英]array of pointers to member functions

I am having a problem with this code because compiler doesn't allows me to run code because says that我对这段代码有问题,因为编译器不允许我运行代码,因为说

cannot convert 'void (Menu::*)(int)' to 'void (Menu::*)(int*)' in assignment. 

And I know that this program can be executed with normal functions.而且我知道这个程序可以用普通函数执行。 I've read something of typedef but I have not been programming for a while and my English is not native.我读过一些typedef东西,但我已经有一段时间没有编程了,而且我的英语不是母语。 Code has some words in spanish but doesn't affects the code, I can translate if you want but I think it's easy to understand.代码中有一些西班牙语单词,但不影响代码,如果您愿意,我可以翻译,但我认为它很容易理解。 I will appreciate it if somebody can help me.如果有人可以帮助我,我将不胜感激。

#include "Menu.h"

using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::cin;

int main()
    void (Menu::*fptr[3])( int*);

    typedef void (Menu::*funcion0)( int &)

    fptr[0] = &Menu::funcion0;  //problem
    fptr[1] = &Menu::funcion1;  //problem
    fptr[2] = &Menu::funcion2;  //problem

    //void (*f[ 3 ])( int ) = { &Menu::funcion0, &Menu::funcion1, &Menu::funcion2 };

    int opcion;

    cout << "Escriba un numero entre 0 y 2, 3 para terminar: ";
    cin >> opcion;

    while ( ( opcion >= 0 ) && ( opcion < 3 ) )
        //(*f[ opcion ])( opcion );

        cout << "Escriba un numero entre 0 y 2, 3 para terminar: ";
        cin >> opcion;

    cout << "Se completo la ejecucion del programa." << endl;

    return 0;


Menu.h header file Menu.h 头文件


class Menu
        void funcion0( int );
        void funcion1( int );
        void funcion2( int );



#include "Menu.h"

#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::cin;



void Menu::funcion0( int a )
    cout << "Usted escribio " << a << " por lo que se llamo a la funcion0\n\n";

void Menu::funcion1( int b )
    cout << "Usted escribio " << b << " por lo que se llamo a la funcion1\n\n";

void Menu::funcion2( int c )
    cout << "Usted escribio " << c << " por lo que se llamo a la funcion2\n\n";

Your member functions take int as argument, but you make array of pointers to member functions as if arguments were pointer of type int* .您的成员函数将int作为参数,但您将指向成员函数的指针数组视为参数是int*类型的指针。 Pointer to function arguments and return type must be exactly same as function's that is pointed to.指向函数参数和返回类型的指针必须与所指向的函数完全相同。 Change:改变:

void (Menu::*fptr[3])( int*);


void (Menu::*fptr[3])(int);

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