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Android Studio在构建时出现错误APK

[英]Android Studio Giving Error While Building APK

I was building an APK from Android Studio And first it gave error something like this: 我从Android Studio构建了一个APK,首先它给出了如下错误:

Failed to find Build Tools revision 23.0.3 then i installed the above required tool and when i clicked on Build APK again, it gave me an error. 未能找到Build Tools版本23.0.3,然后我安装了上述必需的工具,当我再次单击Build APK时,它给了我一个错误。 Its image link is given, please help me how to solve it. 它的图像链接已给出,请帮助我如何解决它。 Here is the link for image. 这是图像的链接。

You should have this lines at your build.gradle file 您应该在build.gradle文件中有这行

android {
    compileSdkVersion 23
    buildToolsVersion '23.0.3' // you will change this line with correct version
    defaultConfig {
        applicationId 'com.kapgel.consumer'

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