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使用R CMD检查删除软件包相关性的警告

[英]Remove warnings of package dependency with R CMD check

I build my rpackage with Rstudio, everything goes fine. 我用Rstudio构建我的rpackage ,一切顺利。 When use check button in rstudio , it gives me some warnings, listed below: rstudio使用check按钮时,它会给我一些警告,如下所示:

* checking whether package 'rpackage' can be installed ... WARNING
Found the following significant warnings:
  Warning: package 'e1071' was built under R version 3.2.4
  Warning: package 'frbs' was built under R version 3.2.4
  Warning: package 'randomForest' was built under R version 3.2.4
  Warning: package 'R.matlab' was built under R version 3.2.4
  Warning: package 'PerformanceAnalytics' was built under R version 3.2.4
  Warning: package 'xts' was built under R version 3.2.4
  Warning: package 'zoo' was built under R version 3.2.4

How can I remove these warnings? 如何删除这些警告?

Additionally, here is part of my DESCRIPTION file: 此外,这是我的DESCRIPTION文件的一部分:

Depends: e1071(>= 1.6-7),frbs(>= 3.1-0),randomForest(>= 4.6-12), R.matlab(>= 3.5.1), PerformanceAnalytics(>= 1.4.3541)
License: No License
LazyData: No
RoxygenNote: 5.0.1

That's likely your R version is out of date: the R version used ( 3.2.4 ) to build these packages is ahead of yours, and so a warning is returned. 您的R版本可能已过时:用于构建这些软件包的R版本( 3.2.4 )早于您的R版本,因此将返回警告。

You can check your current version either in the preamble when you launch a new session or by typing R.version . 您可以在启动新会话时在序言中或通过键入R.version来检查当前版本。

Most of the time it has no practical consequences (for small gaps between R versions), but: i) the function you use may have been affected by version change and ii) it's a good idea to have the last R stable version. 在大多数情况下,它没有实际影响(R版本之间的微小差异),但是:i)您使用的功能可能已受到版本更改的影响,并且ii)具有最新的R稳定版本是一个好主意。

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