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BNF fparsec解析器中的错误

[英]error in BNF fparsec parser

I have made the following parser to try to parse BNF: 我做了以下解析器来尝试解析BNF:

type Literal = Literal of string
type RuleName = RuleName of string
type Term = Literal of Literal
          | RuleName of RuleName
type List = List of Term list
type Expression = Expression of List list
type Rule = Rule of RuleName * Expression
type BNF = Syntax of Rule list

let pBFN : Parser<BNF, unit> = 
   let pWS = skipMany (pchar ' ')
   let pLineEnd = skipMany1 (pchar ' ' >>. newline)

   let pLiteral = 
       let pL c = between (pchar c) (pchar c) (manySatisfy (isNoneOf ("\n" + string c)))
       (pL '"') <|> (pL '\'') |>> Literal.Literal

   let pRuleName = between (pchar '<') (pchar '>') (manySatisfy (isNoneOf "\n<>")) |>> RuleName.RuleName
   let pTerm = (pLiteral |>> Term.Literal) <|> (pRuleName |>> Term.RuleName)
   let pList = sepBy1 pTerm pWS |>> List.List
   let pExpression = sepBy1 pList (pWS >>. (pchar '|') .>> pWS) |>> Expression.Expression
   let pRule = pWS >>. pRuleName .>> pWS .>> pstring "::=" .>> pWS .>>. pExpression .>> pLineEnd |>> Rule.Rule
   many1 pRule |>> BNF.Syntax

For testing, I'm running it on BNF's BNF as per Wikipedia : 为了进行测试,我根据Wikipedia在BNF的BNF上运行它:

<syntax> ::= <rule> | <rule> <syntax>
<rule> ::= <opt-whitespace> "<" <rule-name> ">" <opt-whitespace> "::=" <opt-whitespace> <expression> <line-end>
<opt-whitespace> ::= " " <opt-whitespace> | ""
<expression> ::= <list> | <list> <opt-whitespace> "|" <opt-whitespace> <expression>
<line-end> ::= <opt-whitespace> <EOL> | <line-end> <line-end>
<list> ::= <term> | <term> <opt-whitespace> <list>
<term> ::= <literal> | "<" <rule-name> ">"
<literal> ::= '"' <text> '"' | "'" <text> "'"

But it always fails with this error: 但是它总是会因以下错误而失败:

Error in Ln: 1 Col: 21
<syntax> ::= <rule> | <rule> <syntax>
Expecting: ' ', '"', '\'' or '<'

What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么?

Edit 编辑

The function I'm using to test: 我用来测试的功能:

let test =
   let text = "<syntax> ::= <rule> | <rule> <syntax>
<rule> ::= <opt-whitespace> \"<\" <rule-name> \">\" <opt-whitespace> \"::=\" <opt-whitespace> <expression> <line-end>
<opt-whitespace> ::= \" \" <opt-whitespace> | \"\"
<expression> ::= <list> | <list> <opt-whitespace> \"|\" <opt-whitespace> <expression>
<line-end> ::= <opt-whitespace> <EOL> | <line-end> <line-end>
<list> ::= <term> | <term> <opt-whitespace> <list>
<term> ::= <literal> | \"<\" <rule-name> \">\"
<literal> ::= '\"' <text> '\"' | \"'\" <text> \"'\""
   run pBNF text

Your first problem is with pList : sepBy1 is greedily grabbing trailing spaces, but once it does that it then expects an additional term to follow rather than the end of the list. 您的第一个问题是pListsepBy1贪婪地抓取尾随空格,但是一旦这样做,它就会期望后面跟随一个附加术语,而不是列表的末尾。 The simplest way to fix this is to use sepEndBy1 instead. 解决此问题的最简单方法是改用sepEndBy1

This will expose your next problem: pEndLine isn't faithfully implemented because you're always looking for exactly one space followed by a newline, when you should be looking for any number of spaces instead (that is, you want pWS >>. newline in the interior, rather than pchar ' ' >>. newline ). 这将暴露您的下一个问题: pEndLine没有如实实现,因为当您应该查找任何数量的空格时(即,您希望pWS >>. newline在内部,而不是pchar ' ' >>. newline )。

Finally, note that your definition requires each rule to end with a newline, so you won't be able to parse your string as given (you'll need to append an empty line to the end). 最后,请注意,您的定义要求每个规则都以换行符结尾,因此您将无法解析给定的字符串(您需要在末尾添加一个空行)。 Instead you might want to pull newline out of your definition of pRule and define the main parser as sepBy1 pRule pLineEnd |>> BNF.Syntax . 相反,你可能想拉newline出你定义的pRule和定义主解析器sepBy1 pRule pLineEnd |>> BNF.Syntax

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