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FParsec 在可选解析器上失败

[英]FParsec failing on optional parser

I am currently learning the FParsec library, but I have come across an issue.我目前正在学习 FParsec 库,但遇到了一个问题。 When I want to parse an optional string and continue parsing as normal afterwards, FParsec will return a fatal error on the optional parser, rather than returning None as I expect.当我想解析一个可选字符串并在之后继续正常解析时,FParsec 将在可选解析器上返回一个致命错误,而不是像我期望的那样返回None The below working code sample illustrates my point:下面的工作代码示例说明了我的观点:

open System
open FParsec

type AccountEntity = 
    | Default 
    | Entity of string

let pEntity =
    let isEntityFirstChar c = isLetter c
    let isEntityChar c = isLetter c || isDigit c
    (many1Satisfy2L isEntityFirstChar isEntityChar "entity") .>> skipString "/"

let pOptEntity =
     opt pEntity
     |>> (fun optEntity -> 
              match optEntity with 
              | Some entity -> Entity entity 
              | None -> Default)

let main argv = 
    printfn "%A" (run pOptEntity "test/account:subaccount") //works
    printfn "%A" (run pOptEntity "account:subaccount") //crashes
    Console.ReadLine() |> ignore
    0 // return an integer exit code

The behavior I would expect is for pOptEntity to return a Default entity when an entity is not provided.我期望的行为是pOptEntity在未提供实体时返回Default实体。 However, instead, I get the following error:但是,相反,我收到以下错误:

Error in Ln: 1 Col: 8
Expecting: '/'

Shouldn't opt provide the behavior I am describing and continue to parse the account string as normal or am I approaching this in the incorrect manner?不应该opt提供我所描述的行为并继续正常解析帐户字符串,还是我以不正确的方式处理此问题? I took a look at attempt but, then, I wouldn't be able to provide the default entity behavior like I want.我看了一下attempt但是,我将无法提供我想要的默认实体行为。

Your help is much appreciated, thank you.非常感谢您的帮助,谢谢。

The opt combinator follows the same rules as <|> ; opt组合器遵循与<|>相同的规则; if you look at the <|> documentation , it mentions that if the first parser fails without changing the parser state , the second parser is attempted.如果您查看<|>文档,它会提到如果第一个解析器失败而未更改解析器状态,则会尝试使用第二个解析器。 http://www.quanttec.com/fparsec/users-guide/parsing-alternatives.html goes into more detail. http://www.quanttec.com/fparsec/users-guide/parsing-alternatives.html更详细。

Here, the .>>?在这里, .>>? combinator is what you want to use in your pEntity parser. 组合器是您想要在pEntity解析器中使用的。 Replace the .>> with .>>?.>>替换为.>>? and you'll have a pEntity parser that, if it is not followed by a / , will backtrack to the beginning of what it attempted and not consume input.并且您将拥有一个pEntity解析器,如果它后面没有跟/ ,则会回溯到它尝试的内容的开头并且不消耗输入。 This will allow the opt combinator to function as designed.这将允许opt组合器按设计运行。

PS I tested this, and it worked. PS我对此进行了测试,并且有效。 Replacing the .>> with .>>?.>>替换为.>>? in pEntity and then running your code produced the following output:pEntity ,然后运行您的代码产生以下输出:

Success: Entity "test"
Success: Default

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