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[英]What is difference between declaring local variable at the time of definition and after definition?

What is the difference between 之间有什么区别

public static void main(String [] ar){
    int var= 10;


public static void main(String [] ar){
    int var;
    var= 10;

moreover, what it reflects in Compiler/JVM? 此外,它在Compiler / JVM中的体现是什么?

There is no real difference, except the number of lines you used. 除了您使用的行数之外,没有任何实际区别。 It is a matter of style and for such simple case I would use the first example. 这是一个风格问题,对于这种简单的情况,我将使用第一个示例。

If the code were optimized to native code, the variable var might disappear entirely. 如果代码针对本机代码进行了优化,则变量var可能会完全消失。

int var; int var; //reserves the memory location for an int data type named var //为名为var的int数据类型保留内存位置

var = 10 //assigns the integer 10 to the above location var = 10 //将整数10分配给上述位置

You can do these separately or in one step as you demonstrated. 您可以单独执行这些操作,也可以按照说明一步执行。 There is no difference to the compiler. 编译器没有区别。

Your syntax in the first example does both steps at the same time, whereas your second example separates the steps. 第一个示例中的语法同时执行两个步骤,而第二个示例中的语法则分开。

    There is no at all difference between in both of the snippets mentioned other than number of lines taken to do declaration & initialization.
    The compiler will treat both of the things in the same fashion.
    Since initialization is been done before using the local variable in both the cases, there are no chances of error like 'Variable Not Initialized' or so.

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