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使用 python-wordpress-xmlrpc 将图片库上传到 wordpress

[英]Upload images gallery to wordpress with python-wordpress-xmlrpc

Okay I have created a script in python using "python-wordpress-xmlrpc" package I am able to do everything except for uploading multiple images to wordpress and then adding them to gallery.好的,我已经使用“python-wordpress-xmlrpc”包在python中创建了一个脚本,除了将多个图像上传到wordpress然后将它们添加到图库之外,我可以做任何事情。

Here is my code to upload a single image file and then set as feature image:这是我上传单个图像文件然后设置为特征图像的代码:

fileImg = urlopen('image_url')
imageName = fileImg.url.split('/')[-1]
imageType = mimetypes.guess_type(str(fileImg.url))[0]

data = {
    'name': imageName,
    'type': imageType,

data['bits'] = xmlrpc_client.Binary(fileImg.read())

response = client.call(media.UploadFile(data))
attachment_id = response['id']
widget.thumbnail = attachment_id

Note: I know how to upload multiple files but i don't understand how to add those images in Product gallery.注意:我知道如何上传多个文件,但我不明白如何在产品库中添加这些图像。

This technique worked for me:这种技术对我有用:

attachment_id = response['id']
alt_value = "image alt"

sql = """INSERT INTO wp_postmeta (post_id,meta_key,meta_value) VALUES (%d,'_wp_attachment_image_alt','%s');""" % (int(attachment_id ), alt_value)

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