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Python Wordpress_XMLRPC NewComment身份验证

[英]Python Wordpress_XMLRPC NewComment Auth

Not fully understanding the Wordpress API for comments. 没有完全了解Wordpress API的注释。 I'm using the Wordpress_XMLRPC lib and so far I've tried variations of: 我正在使用Wordpress_XMLRPC lib,到目前为止,我已经尝试了以下方法的变体:

wp = Client(WPapilink, Wpusername, WPpassword)
comment = WordPressComment()
comment.content = CommentString
wp.call(comments.NewComment(PostID, comment))

The same settings are able to create a post but when I try adding comments I'm getting: 相同的设置可以创建帖子,但是当我尝试添加评论时,我得到了:

<class 'wordpress_xmlrpc.exceptions.InvalidCredentialsError'>

I know there is comment.user but what I can't figure out is if it wants an ID (I've tried 0 and 1), a username (tried the admin one) or will accept a string as the name (which would be the ideal). 我知道有comment.user但我不知道是要ID(我尝试过0和1),用户名(尝试过管理员)还是接受字符串作为名称(理想)。

I've tried going through the docs but I'm just not getting it. 我已经尝试过文档,但是我没有。 Next step is just inserting directly to the MySQL table if I can't figure this out. 如果我不知道,下一步就是直接插入到MySQL表中。 Would appreciate a nudge in the right direction. 希望能朝正确的方向轻推。

Update: I was looking at the WordPress API and I can't see a reason for this. 更新:我正在查看WordPress API,但看不到原因。 The author doesn't seem to matter for authentication. 作者似乎对身份验证无关紧要。 The auth it's using to create the post is with an admin login and it creates a post just fine so I'm not sure why it fails to add a comment. 用于创建帖子的auth具有管理员登录名,并且可以很好地创建帖子,因此我不确定为什么它无法添加评论。

Alright. 好的。 Figured it out. 弄清楚了。

Comments were enabled for the site but they default to closed when the API posts them. 已为网站启用评论,但默认在API发布它们时关闭。

post.comment_status = 'open'

Set the comments as open when they were posted and it starts working. 将评论发布后将其设置为开放,然后开始工作。

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