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[英]how to get value of inner html objects of a div

i have 3 span elements inside a div. 我在一个div内有3个span元素。 the whole div will be created dynamically inside a loop. 整个div将在循环内动态创建。 here is the code 这是代码

 $.each(data.Payload, function(index, value){
      stmt+='<li class="list-group-item">'+
                 '<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-9">'+
                    '<div class="refugeeInfo">'+
                       '<span class="name" style="cursor: pointer">'+ value.firstName +' '+value.lastName+'</span><br/>'+
                       '<label><strong>unID: </strong><span class="unid" style="cursor: pointer;"> '+ value.unID +'</span></label>'+
                      '<label><strong>rmsID: </strong><span class="rmsid" style="cursor: pointer">'+ value.rmsID +'</span></label><br/>'+

now when i click on (".refugeeInfo") div i need to show the value of name, unID and rmsID. 现在,当我单击(“ .refugeeInfo”)div时,我需要显示名称,unID和rmsID的值。 wjat I tried 我尝试过

            var name=$(this).children('.name').text();
            var unID=$(this).children('.unid').text();
            var rmsID=$(this).children('.rmsid').text();
            console.log("name: "+name);
            console.log("unID: "+unID);
            console.log("rmsID: "+rmsID);

but the result showing only name. 但结果仅显示名称。 unID and rmsID is vacant. unID和rmsID空着。

Use find() instead of children() Problem is your .unid and .rmsid are nested inside a label tag.. the selector children() works only for direct descendants of the parent. 使用find()代替children()问题是您的.unid.rmsid嵌套在label标记中。选择器children()仅适用于父级的直接后代。 Here these 2 elements are not direct descendants. 这里这两个元素不是直接后代。

From the document . 从文件

The .children() method differs from .find() in that .children() only travels a single level down the DOM tree while .find() can traverse down multiple levels to select descendant elements (grandchildren, etc.) as well. .children()方法与.find()的不同之处在于,.children()仅沿DOM树向下移动一个级别,而.find()可以向下遍历多个级别以选择后代元素(孙子等)。

   var name = $(this).children('.name').text();
   var unID = $(this).find('.unid').text();
   var rmsID = $(this).find('.rmsid').text();

   console.log("name: " + name);
   console.log("unID: " + unID);
   console.log("rmsID: " + rmsID);

use find() 使用find()

            var name=$(this).children('.name').text();
            var unID=$(this).find('.unid').text();
            var rmsID=$(this).find('.rmsid').text();
            console.log("name: "+name);
            console.log("unID: "+unID);
            console.log("rmsID: "+rmsID);

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