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[英]How to get the id of this div based upon search the inner html value?

How do I get the div id based upon the value "IBC-CW1 -DE-02A" 如何基于值“ IBC-CW1 -DE-02A”获取div ID

<div id="main">
<div id="hotspot1" class="drawing" data-canvas-width="89.91394117538998" style="left: 1397.52px;top: 1071.92px;font-size: 10.7966px;font-family: monospace;transform: scaleX(1.01043);background-color: #ff0000;">IBC-CW1 -DE-02A</div>

If i use parentnode means I am getting id="main" 如果我使用parentnode意味着我得到id =“ main”

How do i get hotspot1 我如何获得热点1

Update: 更新:

var spot.hotspot_hover = "IBC-CW1 -DE-02A"

                if($(this).html().indexOf(spot.hotspot_hover) > -1){
                var cont_redirect = $(this).parent()
                $('#content-wrapper').animate({scrollTop: cont_redirect[0].offsetTop+300},'slow');

Now I have to give background color for that content 现在我必须为该内容提供背景色

Try the follwing jquery code 试试下面的jQuery代码

var divId = $("div.drawing:contains('IBC-CW1 -DE-02A')").attr('id');

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