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[英]How to remotely deploy actor with dynamic name in Akka.NET

When I look at the samples of the Akka.NET actor remote deployment, it is done via actor system configuration like this: 当我查看Akka.NET actor远程部署的示例时,它通过actor系统配置完成,如下所示:

actor {
    provider = ""Akka.Remote.RemoteActorRefProvider, Akka.Remote""
    deployment {
        /MyActor {
            remote = ""akka.tcp://MyActors@""

The string "MyActor" above is the actual actor name. 上面的字符串“MyActor”是实际的actor名称。 It is not clear to me how would I deploy an actor that would have dynamic name (eg "MyActor:{UID}") or deploy unknown number of actors remotely? 我不清楚如何部署一个具有动态名称的actor(例如“MyActor:{UID}”)或远程部署未知数量的actor? Is there a way to dynamically configure deployment options via code? 有没有办法通过代码动态配置部署选项? It seems a bit tedious and very limited to specify all the remotely deployable actor names in the configuration. 在配置中指定所有可远程部署的actor名称似乎有点乏味且非常有限。

您可以使用actor的Props设置部署选项,例如: Props.Create(() => new MyActor).WithDeploy(new Deploy(new RemoteScope("akka.tcp://remote-system-name@ip:port/")))


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