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[英]How to validate image size before upload?

I use valums file uploader and I have a problem with image dimension validatation before upload. 我使用valums文件上传器,上传前图像尺寸验证存在问题。 image_extension and image_filesize return false, but because image dimnension is in onload async function, returning false has no effect and image is submitted and uploaded. image_extensionimage_filesize返回false,但是由于图像尺寸标注在onload异步函数中,因此返回false无效,并且图像已提交并上载。

sample code: 样例代码:

function create_uploader()
    var uploader = new qq.FileUploaderBasic(
        button: $('#upload_button')[0],
        action: 'mdl/sys.upload.img.php',
        maxConnections: 7,
        debug: false,
        multiple: false,
            upload_dir: '../files/_temp/',
            image_size: '1280,1024',
            thumb_size: '240,240'
        onSubmit: function(id, fileName)
            // validate extension
            var file_extension = (/[.]/.exec(fileName)) ? /[^.]+$/.exec(fileName):undefined;

            if (!(file_extension && /^(jpg|JPG|jpeg|JPEG|png|PNG)$/.test(file_extension)))
                return false;
                // OK, execution stop

            // validate image size
            var img_filesize = window.event.target.files[0].size;

            if (img_filesize > 1048576)
                return false;
                // OK, execution stop

            // validate image dimension
            var img_size = new Image();

            img_size.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(window.event.target.files[0]);

            img_size.onload = function()
                var img_width = img_size.naturalWidth;
                var img_height = img_size.naturalHeight;


                if (img_width < 640 || img_width > 800)
                    return false;

                if (img_height < 480 || img_height > 600)
                    return false;
        onProgress: function(id, fileName, loaded, total)
            // progress code
        onComplete: function(id, fileName, results)
            // complete code


Any ideas how to do this? 任何想法如何做到这一点?

Edit: Subquestion. 编辑:子问题。 How i can call in onSubmit procedure cancel and dequeue event which valums file uploader handling? 我该如何在onSubmit程序中调用取消和出队事件,从而对文件上载程序进行处理? If is this possible, then i can call this events in my validation and cancel upload image.. 如果可能的话,那么我可以在验证中调用此事件并取消上传图片。

I have solution :) This is not entirely the whole code because it is a bit complicated. 我有解决方案:)这并不完全是整个代码,因为它有点复杂。 It works something like this to me: 它对我来说是这样的:

sys.upload.php sys.upload.php

<script type="text/javascript">
        function create_uploader()
            var internal_counter = 0; // very important for multiple upload!

            var uploader = new qq.FileUploaderBasic(
                button: $('#upload_button')[0],
                action: 'mdl/sys.upload.img.php',
                maxConnections: 5,
                multiple: true,
                debug: false,
                    upload_dir: '../files/_temp/',
                    image_size: '1280,1024',
                    thumb_size: '<?php echo isset ($thumb_size) ? $thumb_size : '240,240'; ?>'
                onSubmit: function(id, fileName)
                    // reset internal counter only if submit form button is enabled
                    if ($('#submit_form').prop('disabled') == false)
                        internal_counter = 0;

                    // find upload button and temperatory disable it
                    setTimeout(function(){$('#upload_button').css({'opacity': '0.25'}).find("input[type='file']").css({'cursor': 'default'}).prop('disabled', true)},25);

                    // disable submit form button
                    $('#submit_form').prop('disabled', true);

                    // create new form data
                    var image_data_temp = null;
                    var form_data = new FormData();

                    form_data.append('file', $("input[type='file']")[0].files[internal_counter]);
                    form_data.append('filesize', '5242880');
                    form_data.append('min_width', '600');
                    form_data.append('max_width', '4096');
                    form_data.append('min_height', '450');
                    form_data.append('max_height', '2160');

                    // send new form for validate
                        type: 'POST',
                        url: 'mdl/sys.upload-validate.php',
                        async: false,
                        data: form_data,
                        cache: false,
                        contentType: false,
                        processData: false

                        image_data_temp = results;

                    var image_data = image_data_temp.split(';');
                    image_data[0] => status message
                    image_data[1] => name
                    image_data[2] => type
                    image_data[3] => size
                    image_data[4] => human size
                    image_data[5] => width
                    image_data[6] => height
                    image_data[7] => icon symbol shortcut

                    // counter must increase before check validation
                    internal_counter ++;

                    if (image_data[0] != 'ok')
                        // stop if validation is not OK
                        // you can here add some function for error etc.
                        console.log (image_data[0]);

                        // enable submit form button
                        $('#submit_form').prop('disabled', false);

                        // enable upload button
                        setTimeout(function(){$('#upload_button').css({'opacity': '1'}).find("input[type='file']").css({'cursor': 'pointer'}).prop('disabled', false);},25);

                        return false;

                    // validation is ok now, onProgress is processed

                onProgress: function(id, fileName, loaded, total)
                    // on progress code
                onComplete: function(id, fileName, results)
                    // process if is image uploaded
                    internal_counter = 0;

                    // enable submit form button
                    $('#submit_form').prop('disabled', false);

                    // enable upload button
                    $('#upload_button').css({'opacity': '1'}).find("input[type='file']").css({'cursor': 'pointer'}).prop('disabled', false);                    



sys.upload-validate.php sys.upload-validate.php

header ('Connection: close');

require_once '../sys.functions.php'; // it is not necessary

function show_data($str_a, $str_b, $str_c, $str_d, $str_e, $str_f, $str_g, $str_h)
    echo $str_a;
    echo ';';
    echo $str_b;
    echo ';';
    echo $str_c;
    echo ';';
    echo $str_d;
    echo ';';
    echo $str_e;
    echo ';';
    echo $str_f;
    echo ';';
    echo $str_g;
    echo ';';
    echo $str_h;

$image_info = getimagesize ($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']);

$image_width = $image_info[0];
$image_height = $image_info[1];

    $_FILES['file']['type'] != 'image/pjpeg' &&
    $_FILES['file']['type'] != 'image/jpeg' &&
    $_FILES['file']['type'] != 'image/x-png' &&
    $_FILES['file']['type'] != 'image/png'
        'Nesprávny typ súboru. Podporované sú iba JPG a PNG obrázky.',


if ($_FILES['file']['size'] > (int)$_POST['filesize'])
        'Súbor je príliš veľký (' . human_file_size($_FILES['file']['size']) . '). Maximálna povolená veľkosť pre súbor je ' . human_file_size((int)$_POST['filesize']) . '.',


if ($image_width < (int)$_POST['min_width'] || $image_width > (int)$_POST['max_width'])
        'Nesprávna šírka (' . $image_width . ' bodov). Minimálna šírka musí byť ' . $_POST['min_width'] . ', maximálna ' . $_POST['max_width'] . ' bodov.',


if ($image_height < (int)$_POST['min_height'] || $image_height > (int)$_POST['max_height'])
        'Nesprávna výška (' . $image_height . ' bodov). Minimálna výška musí byť ' . $_POST['min_height'] . ', maximálna ' . $_POST['max_height'] . ' bodov.',




Maybe it helps someone :) 也许它可以帮助某人:)

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