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[英]how to correctly use mysqli_real_escape_string() Function in a query

I am trying to use the mysqli_real_escape_string() Function in a query. 我正在尝试在查询中使用mysqli_real_escape_string()函数。

This is my current code: 这是我当前的代码:

 $Product_Id = substr($prod_name, 14, (strlen($prod_name)-14));
 $get_query = "SELECT P FROM Product WHERE Product_Id =' .mysql_real_escape_string((int)$Product_Id))";

This does not work, it creates the following error: 这不起作用,它会产生以下错误:

Warning: mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in 警告:mysqli_fetch_array()期望参数1为mysqli_result,布尔值在

But if i remove the mysqli_real_escape_string function my code works. 但是,如果我删除mysqli_real_escape_string函数,我的代码将起作用。

So what is the best way to do this, as i am trying to stop sql injection. 那么什么是最好的方法做到这一点,因为我试图停止SQL注入。

I am trying to use the mysqli_real_escape_string() Function in a query. 我正在尝试在查询中使用mysqli_real_escape_string()函数。

But you're actually not. 但是你实际上不是。 In your query you're using mysql_real_escape_string() . 在查询中,您正在使用mysql_real_escape_string()

Plus that query is malformed, so it wouldn't work anyway. 此外,该查询格式不正确,因此无论如何都无法正常工作。 Your quotes are in the wrong places. 您的报价写错了地方。 Try the following: 请尝试以下操作:

$get_query = "SELECT P FROM Product WHERE Product_Id = " . (int) mysqli_real_escape_string($Product_Id);

Since $Product_Id is being cast to an integer , you won't need to wrap it in quotes within the query (assuming Product_Id column is integer-based; since you're casting it to an integer, I'm assuming it is). 由于$Product_Id$Product_Id转换为integer ,因此您无需将其用查询中的引号引起来(假设Product_Id列基于整数;因为您将其强制转换为整数,所以我假设是)。

And moving the type cast (int) from the argument within mysqli_real_escape_string() to actually preceding the function is what you're looking for. 您正在寻找将类型转换(int)mysqli_real_escape_string()的参数mysqli_real_escape_string()该函数的实际位置。 Although it's not necessary to cast $Product_Id at this time as it is redundant and could actually pose more problems than it'd solve in some circumstances (Ie. assume $Product_Id was somehow set to a string [ $Product_Id = 'Marcus' ], and you then cast it to an integer: (int) $Product_Id it'd return 0 , but no error). 尽管此时不必$Product_Id转换$Product_Id ,因为它是多余的,并且在某些情况下实际上可能带来比其要解决的问题更多的问题(即,假设$Product_Id以某种方式设置为字符串[ $Product_Id = 'Marcus' ],然后将其转换为整数: (int) $Product_Id它将返回0 ,但没有错误)。 A negative integer would also slip through which I'm assuming you don't have negative $Product_Id 's, right? 假设您没有负数$Product_Id ,那么负整数也会$Product_Id ,对吧? There are much better ways to detect, and handle, variable types prior to sending them to a query. 在将变量类型发送到查询之前,有更好的方法来检测和处理变量类型。 But we can get into that another time. 但是我们可以再讨论一次。

In your query you had an erroneous single-quote ( WHERE Product_Id =' ) which was causing a parsing error. 在您的查询中,您使用了错误的单引号( WHERE Product_Id =' ),这导致了解析错误。

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