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[英]Hashicorp Vault — Create Auth Tokens Only, Don't read secrets

I'm using Hashicorp Vault: 我正在使用Hashicorp Vault:

https://www.vaultproject.io/ https://www.vaultproject.io/

I want a user that can create new users, but can't read their secrets. 我想要一个可以创建新用户但无法读取其机密的用户。

Would I just create a policy like: 我是否可以创建一个策略,例如:

path "sys/auth/token/*" {
  policy = "write"

since all policies are set to deny? 既然所有政策都设置为拒绝?

This was the incorrect way to use Vault. 这是使用保管箱的错误方法。 These were my errors: 这些是我的错误:

  • Trying to store user passwords. 尝试存储用户密码。 For me, it looks better to handle platform passwords, like the integrated temporary postgre credentials. 对我来说,处理平台密码看起来更好,例如集成的临时postgre凭证。
  • Trying to remove any trace of authentication keys on the server. 尝试删除服务器上所有身份验证密钥的痕迹。 If Vault users were going to be created automatically, Vault credentials will need to exist somewhere, either in a script or file with proper permissions. 如果要自动创建Vault用户,则必须在具有适当权限的脚本或文件中将Vault凭据存在于某个位置。
  • Trying to mitigate a rooted server. 尝试缓解根服务器。 If someone has root access, there are larger problems than that. 如果某人具有root用户访问权限,那么问题就不止于此。 Encryption can mitigate data leaks, like a database dump. 加密可以减轻数据泄漏,例如数据库转储。 Data leaks if root access has been compromised in my case must be accepted. 如果在我的情况下,如果root用户访问受到损害,则数据泄漏必须被接受。 It's best to focus on not getting rooted. 最好专注于不生根。

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