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[英]Representing a maze

How would I represent this maze, so that I can run dijkstras algorithm on it? 我将如何表示这个迷宫,以便可以在其上运行dijkstras算法?

Maze 迷宫

I've been looking around, and the most common representations seem to be the adjacency matrix and adjacency list. 我一直在环顾四周,最常见的表示形式似乎是邻接矩阵和邻接列表。

So: 所以:

1) What should my vertices be? 1)我的顶点应该是什么?

2) What should my edges be? 2)我的边缘应该是什么?

Because it will be a race, the maze is not known before hand. 因为这将是一场比赛,所以迷宫是未知的。

3) How do I update my matrix? 3)如何更新矩阵?

Note: We are given a chance to explore the maze, so I'll be using a wall follower along with a mapper that calculates the distance the robot is from the start, but not sure how this would all translate to be of any use when building the matrix. 注意:我们有机会探索迷宫,所以我将使用墙随动件和一个映射器,该映射器可计算机器人从一开始的距离,但不确定如何将其转化为任何用途建立矩阵。

For example, you can declaes a room structure as: 例如,您可以将房间结构装饰为:

struct tRoom {
    enum {
    int walls[4]; /* status: 0 -- The wall is open
                             1 -- The wall is close

/* A room in the game looks like:

       ____ The wall is close and cannot walk through
   |     |
   |     |
   +-   -+
      |____   The wall is open and can walk through


 /* A maze looks like :

   |     |     |     |
   |  *              |
   |     |     |     |
   +-   -+-----+-   -+
   |     |     |     |
   |     |     |     |
   |     |     |     |

And declare your maze as: 并声明您的迷宫为:

struct tRoom[WIDTH][HEIGHT];

Initially the robot is put to the starting room (which has a star). 最初,机器人被放置在起跑室(有一颗星星)中。

Then the player can cotrol movement of the robot by keypress or other devices. 然后,玩家可以通过按键或其他设备控制机器人的运动。
The game ends when the robot reaches the goal room. 当机器人到达目标房间时,游戏结束。

Surely you can find a path by some algorithm and then guide the robot to the goal. 当然,您可以通过某种算法找到一条路径,然后将机器人引导至目标。

I would define a struct that represents each junction of the maze as a node, with each corridor branching out as a vertex in the form of a pointer to another node. 我将定义一个结构,该结构将迷宫的每个交点表示为一个节点,每个走廊以指向另一个节点的指针的形式分支为一个顶点。 Something along the following ought to do it: 应该采取以下措施:


struct junction;

struct corridor {
  int weight;
  struct junction *other_end;

struct junction {
  struct corridor junctions[MAX_VERTEXES_PER_NODE];

It is straightforward to apply Dijkstra (or any other graph theory algorithm) to this representation. 将Dijkstra(或任何其他图论算法)应用于此表示很简单。

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