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[英]Nasm print to next line

I have the following program written in nasm Assembly: 我用nasm Assembly编写了以下程序:

section .text
    global _start:

    ; Input variables
    mov edx, inLen
    mov ecx, inMsg
    mov ebx, 1
    mov eax, 4
    int 0x80

    mov edx, 2
    mov ecx, num1
    mov ebx, 0
    mov eax, 3
    int 0x80

    mov edx, inLen
    mov ecx, inMsg
    mov ebx, 1
    mov eax, 4
    int 0x80

    mov edx, 2
    mov ecx, num2
    mov ebx, 0
    mov eax, 3
    int 0x80

    ; Put input values in correct registers
    mov eax, [num1]
    sub eax, '0'    ; convert char to num
    mov ebx, [num2]
    sub ebx, '0'    ; convert char to num

    ; Perform addition
    add eax, ebx
    add eax, '0'    ; convert num to char

    ; Set sum in res
    mov [res], eax

    ; Output result
    mov edx, resLen
    mov ecx, resMsg
    mov ebx, 1
    mov eax, 4
    int 0x80

    mov edx, 1
    mov ecx, res
    mov ebx, 1
    mov eax, 4
    int 0x80

    ; Exit program
    mov eax, 1
    int 0x80

    section .bss
    num1    resb 2
    num2    resb 2
    res resb 2

section .data
    inMsg db "Input number: ", 0xA, 0xD
    inLen equ $-inMsg
    resMsg db "Result: ", 0xA, 0xD
    resLen equ $-resMsg

When I run it the console looks like this: 当我运行它时,控制台看起来像这样:

tyler@ubuntu:~/ASM/Addition$ ./Add 
Input number: 
Input number: 

How can I get it so the 5 will print on its own line and not have the cmd print directly after it? 我如何获得它,以便5可以在自己的行上打印,而不能在其后直接打印cmd? IE it should look like this: IE浏览器应该看起来像这样:

tyler@ubuntu:~/ASM/Addition$ ./Add 
Input number: 
Input number: 

You have all the info already, you just don't see it yet: 您已经有了所有信息,只是看不到:

resMsg db "Result: ", 0xA, 0xD

Do you know what this means exactly? 你知道这到底意味着什么吗? It defines a string made of the following characters: 它定义了一个由以下字符组成的字符串:

Result: XY

...where X and Y are actually invisible characters (with numerical values 0xA=10 and 0xD=13, also known as line feed (LF) and carriage return (CR)) which cause the output to wrap to a new line. ...其中XY实际上是不可见的字符(数值0xA = 10和0xD = 13,也称为换行(LF)和回车(CR)),它们导致输出换行到新行。 They are specified outside of the doublequotes because of their invisible nature - you can't just include them there so you have to write their numerical values instead. 由于它们不可见,因此在双引号之外指定了它们-您不能仅在其中将它们包括在内,因此必须编写其数值。

But of course you can use them alone as well: 但是当然您也可以单独使用它们:

newLineMsg db 0xA, 0xD
newLineLen equ $-newLineMsg

( newLineLen will be 2 of course but I left it here to keep the system the same as you currently use, for easier understanding.) newLineLen当然是2,但为了使您更容易理解,我在这里将其保留为与您当前使用的系统相同。)

So to just output a line break without any other text (what you want to do after the 5 ), you can then use: 因此,仅输出不包含任何其他文本的换行符(您要在5之后执行的操作),则可以使用:

mov edx, newLineLen
mov ecx, newLineMsg
mov ebx, 1
mov eax, 4
int 0x80

...just like with resMsg / resLen . ...就像使用resMsg / resLen

However, as Jester pointed out, on Linux you should also be able to output just a single line feed (0xA) (and also remove the existing 0xD 's from your code). 但是,正如Jester指出的那样,在Linux上,您还应该只能输出单个换行(0xA)(并且还可以从代码中删除现有的0xD )。

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